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But conflict came, with attacks on Christians over the years becoming stronger again since the uprising. The violence came both from extremists and the government itself. At least 26 people died in October during a police crackdown on a Coptic protest in Cairo.

Outside the cathedral Sunday, Coptic priest Bemen Shakr spoke of Shenouda's optimism and faith even during the most difficult times.


Shakr said that Shenouda relied on three phrases when facing such problems: “they will be eventually solved, everything heads towards the good, and the Lord is there.”


The priest added the presence of a new pope will be especially important in the coming months, as Egypt drafts a new constitution and elects a new president. The naming of the next patriarch is expected after a 40 day period of mourning.



With the Muslim Brotherhood and the fundamentalist Salafis dominating parliament, questions about their intentions mixed with expressions of grief among the Coptic mourners. Will a stricter form of Sharia, or Islamic law, become the basis of post-revolution Egypt? Will the Arab world's largest Christian community see a flight to the West like other Middle Eastern Christians in recent decades?


Ezzat Sobhy, a banker who came out to Abassaya to pay his last respects to Shenouda, said “I will not lie to you. There is fear.”
