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White House spokesman Jay Carney defended what he called the president's strong record of standing up for equal pay for women and social welfare programs supported by many women.


"It begins with the signing of the president's Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It continues with the emphasis on the need to put teachers back in the classroom. It continues with a variety of programs, including our opposition to the Ryan Republican budget and its dramatic cuts - Medicare for example," said Carney.


Political analyst Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia said that there has been a gender gap in American politics for decades.


"Women disproportionately lean to Democratic Party candidates, and men disproportionately lean to Republican Party candidates. The size of the gender gap varies from year to year depending on the circumstances. The one in 2008 was enormous, and I would bet a large sum of money that this year's won't be anything close to it."
