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Continuing talks between Iran and global powers have hit a snag as the West rebuffed Tehran's call for an immediate easing of economic sanctions and official Iranian media said the proposals on the table needed to be significantly revised.

The negotiations in Baghdad were extended for a second day into Thursday, as U.S. and European officials said they remained committed to finding a solution to the impasse.

Western representatives presented a package Wednesday that calls on Tehran to freeze production of nuclear fuel enriched to 20 percent purity and to close an Iranian enrichment facility

In exchange, the P5+1 group offered benefits, including medical isotopes, some nuclear safety cooperation and spare parts for civilian airliners, much needed in Iran. The P5+1 includes the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany.

The Iranian side indicated that ending impending Western sanctions on Tehran's oil trade is key for the talks to advance. But diplomats from the six world powers have refused to consider postponing the new harsher measures.