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Election officials say Malaysia's ruling coalition has won a simple majority in parliamentary polls, extending its 56-year rule after a tough fight with a strengthened opposition alliance.

Final results from Sunday's election show Prime Minister Najib Razak's National Front coalition capturing 133 of Malaysia's 222 legislative seats, and 89 for the opposition's three-party alliance.  The results show a decrease of several seats for the ruling coalition, and an increase for the opposition compared to the 2008 election.

Hours after the polls closed on Sunday, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, in a message posted on Twitter, said his coalition will not accept the results until elections officials explain "alleged instances of fraud."  He did not offer details, and it was not clear what effect formal appeals might have on the outcome.

More than 10 million people cast ballots for a record turnout of about 80 percent.

The opposition campaign centered on allegations of ruling party arrogance, abuse of public funds and racial discrimination by the government against the country's sizeable ethnic Chinese population.