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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is continuing his focus on the crisis in Iraq as he meets Thursday in Paris with his counterparts from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The State Department says the talks will include both the security situation in Iraq and the civil war in neighboring Syria.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's on Wednesday decided not to form an emergency government to help the country out of its crisis. Mr. Maliki said such a move would go against the country's constitution and the results of Iraq's April 30 parliamentary elections.

The Prime Minister's stance provided little comfort for thousands trying to outrun the militants. One of them said: "The security situation now is zero. We've seen no soldiers, no army, nobody. There are no checkpoints, there is not army. We haven't seen officials at all. So we left our stuff, our beds, our money."  

In Brussels, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters at a NATO meeting that the U.S. is interested in who leads Iraq, but is not interfering as Baghdad forms a new government. Kerry said: "We need to remember that ISIL is a terrorist army that threatens not only Iraq, but threatens every country in the region which is opposed to it, and Europe and the United States. Succeeding in this fight is going to require Iraqis to come together finally, in order to form an inclusive government

The U.N's special representative in Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, believes the international community has a greater influence in resolving the conflict. He said: "The risk of further sectarian or sectarianization of the conflict remains, however, I think the more the international community is aware of that risk, the more that risk is mitigated

Mr. Maliki's Shi'ite-led government has faced criticism of sidelining the minorities and breeding sectarian tensions. The militants from the al-Qaida breakaway group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have seized vast areas across northern and western Iraq.

The United States is sending up to 300 military advisers to help Iraq counter the militants.