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Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko says his country will apply for membership to the European Union in 2020 as part of a broader plan for social and economic reforms.

Mr. Poroshenko says those reforms will prepare Ukraine to apply for EU membership.

Ukraine's desire for European intergration, and Russia's opposition to it, sparked last year's protests which resulted in the ousting of former leader Viktor Yanukovych and Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Wednesday has appealed to the international community to keep sanctions against Russia in place until Kyiv regains "control of its entire territory," including Crimea.

In comments to the U.N. General Assembly , Mr. Yatsenyuk delivered a direct message to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Mr. Yatsenyuk said that Russia has violated international laws by invading parts of Ukrainian territory, arming pro-Russian insurgents and annexing the Crimean peninsula.

Earlier Wednesday, the Ukrainian prime minister expressed skepticism about the cease-fire with pro-Russian rebels, calling it extremely fragile and shaky. He said Ukraine could easily deter separatists and restore peace in the country. But he said its armed forces cannot fight against the well-trained and well-equipped Russian military.

Although Moscow denies it, there has been ample evidence of Russian military support for insurgents in eastern Ukraine, and the presence of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil.  NATO says some Russian troops remain.