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U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron are meeting for a second day of talks Friday in Washington.

White House officials say Mr. Obama and Mr. Cameron will discuss a range of issues including terrorism, Ebola and Russia's actions in Ukraine, and cyber-security.

The two world leaders are also expected to announce their plans to hold joint cyber "war games" starting later this year with a mock attack on banks.

The British leader has said he plans to ask President Obama to press U.S. technology companies like Google and Facebook to allow governments to snoop on encrypted communications.

The subject is a sensitive one in the U.S. following widespread public outrage at revelations the U.S. National Security Agency was scooping up phone records of millions of Americans. Disclosures by former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden also showed that several U.S. Internet businesses were giving NSA access to customer data.

The president held a working dinner with the prime minister at the White House Thursday night, a week after Europe was shaken by terror in Paris.