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Malaysia's government staked its claim to the capital's streets Monday after a two-day demonstration calling for the ouster of Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Mr. Najib joined thousands of spectators Monday in Kuala Lumpur for the parade of police, soldiers and civil servants The prime minister, who is facing serious fraud allegations, has vowed not to step down from office and admonished the protesters for their

"shallow mind and poor national spirit."

Protest organizers say over 200,000 people came out Saturday and Sunday to demand Mr. Najib's resignation. However, police say the protest crowd was well under 30,000 people.

Officials estimate some 13,000 people turned out for Monday's celebrations.

Documents leaked to the media in July indicated the prime minister had received $700 million into his personal accounts from the government-owned 1MDB investment fund.

Mr. Najib has denied the allegations, saying the money was a gift from the Middle East. He has suggested that the corruption allegations are part of a "political sabotage" against Malaysia's longtime ruling coalition.

The prime minister fired the attorney general who investigated him.