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The United Nations nuclear agency says its chief has, for the first time, visited a controversial Iranian military site where Western analysts allege that Iranian scientists conducted covert research and testing as they sought to build a nuclear bomb.

A spokesman for the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency said Sunday that agency chief Yukiya Amano visited the Parachin base east of Tehran during a recent visit.

His visit comes as Iran and six world powers seek to implement a deal to end a 13-year standoff over Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

The semi-official Iranian Student News Agency on Sunday quoted top Iranian nuclear official Ali Akbar Salehi as saying the Amano visit "went well and worked within the agreed roadmap" for implementing the deal.

The agreement, unveiled in July, forces Iran to cut back its uranium enrichment to keep it from building nuclear weapons, in exchange for easing harsh Western economic sanctions that have wrecked the Iranian economy.