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A full normalization of ties between the U.S. and Cuba will not occur, says Cuban leader Raul Castro, until the U.S. lifts the trade embargo, ends its "illegal" occupation at the Guantanamo Bay military base, stops "destabilizing" broadcasts to Cuba and compensates Cubans for economic damages.

In his first ever speech at the United Nations General Assembly, President Castro said his government would continue to introduce a draft resolution against the U.S. trade embargo at the U.N. as long as the embargo remained in place.

U.S. President Barack Obama has voiced support for lifting the embargo, a procedure that would require congressional action.

Earlier Monday, President Obama told the U.N. that while the U.S. continues to have "differences" with Cuba, on issues such as human rights, these differences would now be addressed through channels that included diplomatic relations.

"Change won't come overnight to Cuba," said Obama.

Mr. Obama said he was confident that "openness, not coercion" would "support the reforms and better life the Cuban people deserve."

The president drew applause when he said he was confident that Congress would eventually lift the trade embargo.