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French lawmakers are debating a proposal by President Francois Hollande to extend the state of emergency for three months following last week's deadly attacks in Paris.

French authorities are not sure if the Belgian-born terror suspect, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was one of the people inside an apartment stormed Wednesday in a seven-hour raid by French police.

Paris Prosecutor, Francois Molins, said: "Currently, the identities of those arrested in the flat have not been confirmed. But I can say, Abdelhamid Abaaoud and Salah Abdeslam were not among the eight being arrested."

The French prosecutor said at least two people were killed during the raid.

Shortly after Wednesday's siege ended, French President Francois Hollande told a group of the country's mayors that the government will help better supply local police with equipment and firearms.

Hollande is scheduled to discuss ways to intensify the campaign targeting IS with U.S. President Barack Obama next week in Washington, and is to meet November 26 with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.