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The Colombian government and the country's largest rebel group, FARC, are set to sign a renegotiated peace deal Thursday.

The revised document will be signed in Bogota between FARC leader Rodrigo Londono and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who won the Nobel Peace Prize last month for his efforts to end the conflict with the insurgent group.

The government and representatives of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have been negotiating in Cuba for more than four years to bring an end to the conflict that has killed more than 220,000 and displaced millions in the Andean country.

Last month, voters taking part in that referendum surprisingly rejected the first accord. After it is signed, the new deal will be submitted to Congress for approval, rather than put to another referendum.

Ever since the original deal's defeat at the polls, the FARC and government negotiators have worked around the clock, introducing some 50-plus changes to make it more acceptable to conservative Colombians who overwhelmingly despise the FARC.