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Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev took a big step Wednesday in resolving the long dispute with neighboring Greece over the name Macedonia. Zaev said his country is changing the name of the capital's Skopje Alexander the Great Airport.

Alexander the Great was the ancient Greek king who ruled the northern Greek territory also named Macedonia. Another country using his name is a major irritant for many Greeks.

Greece and Macedonia have been feuding over who gets to use the name since Macedonia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991.

Many Greeks say allowing the neighboring country to use the name insults Greek history and implies a claim on Greek territory.

Greece has blocked Macedonian efforts to join the European Union and NATO because of the name dispute.

The United Nations has been struggling to negotiate a settlement for more than 20 years. Lead negotiator Matthew Nimetz said last week he is "very hopeful" a settlement is near.

The country of Macedonia is officially known at the U.N. as the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.