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US vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin's fashion sense is winning applause in an unexpected quarter -- in Japan, where the maker of her rimless glasses is enjoying a sudden boost in business.The Al
双语新闻2008-09-11 Google拟让更多老报纸“上网”
Google Inc has stepped up efforts to digitize dozens of historical newspapers and make scanned images of the original papers available online, the Internet search leader said on Monday.In a blog post
If you're single and looking for a mate, Atlanta could be the place to live.The southern US city displaced San Francisco for the top spot and edged past Dallas, Minneapolis and Washington D.C. to be
双语新闻2008-09-10 -
美国准第一夫人拼时尚 米歇尔人气更高
Cindy McCain or Michelle Obama for the White House?Among fashionistas, the wives of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are drawing the kind of enthusias
双语新闻2008-09-09 -
Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopular with voters but T-shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are now a hit.At a nationally televised news conference where he abruptly annou
双语新闻2008-09-09 全球最新财富报告:富人更富了
The old saying holds true: The rich do get richer.Even as world financial markets broke down last year, personal wealth around the world grew 5 percent to $109.5 trillion, according to a global wealth
Angelina Jolie might ooze Hollywood glamour, but if she's armed and looking dangerous, the actress is not welcome in Britain.Britain's media watchdog, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), has
双语新闻2008-09-06 -
悉尼高跟鞋短跑大赛 265人参加破吉尼斯纪录
The world record for the number of high-heeled sprinters in a race has been broken by a group of women in Australia on Tuesday.A total of two hundred and sixty-five women dashed their way around the 8
双语新闻2008-09-05 -
Talk show host Oprah Winfrey threw a rousing welcome home party for more than 150 US Olympic medal winners on Wednesday that was a salute to the athletes and a pep rally for efforts to bring the 2016
双语新闻2008-09-05 -
Swedish researchers said Tuesday what women have suspected all along: that marital woes can often be attributed to men's genetic make-up, according to a study linking a common male gene to relationsh
双语新闻2008-09-05 -
People taking the stairs instead of elevator at work can expect to live longer, according to a Swiss study released on Monday.Regularly walking from floor to floor in an office building decreased mort
双语新闻2008-09-04 -
普京打虎救记者 尽显英雄本色
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was feted by Russian media on Sunday for saving a television crew from an attack by a Siberian tiger in the wilds of the Far East.Putin apparently saved the crew
双语新闻2008-09-03 你有“Google依赖症”吗?
Feeling stressed or anxious at an inability to access the Internet? Don't worry, you're not alone and now there's a word for it: "discomgoogolation."Nearly half of Britons -- 44 percent -
Doctors in Colombia are trying to determine how an 11-month-old baby is already the weight of an average eight-year-old.The child's mother, Milena Orosco de Agudelo, said her son's unusual growth sp
双语新闻2008-09-02 -
The brains of flies are wired to avoid the swatter, US researchers said on Thursday.At the mere hint of a threat, the insects adjust their preflight stance to flee in the opposite direction, ensuring
双语新闻2008-09-02 三分之一手机用户偷看情侣短信
Can't help checking your partner's text messages on the sly? You're not alone, with an Australian survey showing one in three mobile phone users are text message snoops, and the consequences can of
Americans have elected a poodle to the White House, the American Kennel Club (AKC) said Thursday.After reports that Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama and his wife Michelle promised their young d
双语新闻2008-08-30 -
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was Wednesday named the world's most powerful woman by Forbes Magazine, putting her at the top of the prestigious list for the third year in a row.US Secretary of Stat
双语新闻2008-08-30 西班牙小镇上演“西红柿大战”
Tens of thousands of people from around the world hurled tons of ripe tomatoes at each other Wednesday in an annual food fight that leaves the eastern Spanish town of Bunol covered in red juice.A rock
疯狂游戏 乐在芬兰
They carry their wives, sit on ants, throw milking stools, boots and mobile phones, here in the home of weird world championships, participants will do just about anything to win their offbeat crowns.
双语新闻2008-08-29 -
South Korea's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended, an archery official said on Tuesday.Park Sung-hyu
双语新闻2008-08-28 -
1. As a child, she loved girlie stuff like her Easy Bake Oven and Barbie (she had the car and the house, too).2. When it comes to television, she's a fan of Sex in the City, The Sopranos and HGTV.3.
双语新闻2008-08-27 -
1) Usain Bolt breaks the 100 meters world record. Bolt already owned the record and in front of a packed Bird's Nest stadium he ran 9.69 seconds. He thumped his chest in triumph over the last few met
双语新闻2008-08-26 -
110米栏 罗伯斯上演独角戏
Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds -- the second fastest time in Olympic history.The 21-year-old beat home two Americans, 200
双语新闻2008-08-25 -
Move over Michael Phelps, the Beijing Olympics has an-other superstar.Usain Bolt blazed into the Olympic history books last night, becoming the first man to break world records while winning both 100m
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