五、戒结构单调,组合生硬 “拉郎配” 由于汉英结构不同,表达方式迥异,“硬性翻译”不仅读起来别扭,而且会闹出笑话。这就要求译者在翻译时灵活使用整合的技巧,将句子整合,凸显汉语中所隐含的层次,补充所缺失的成分。有时要将简单句译成并列句,有时将并列句译成主从句。在纪念大学毕业20周年聚会时,我忽然问起原来的班主任:“我个子又不矮,怎么把我安排在了第一排呢?” At the reunion party for 20 anniversary of graduation from university, I suddenly asked my former teacher in charge of our class then:" Since I am not of short stature, how did you arrange me at the first row?" 一个高度近视的女博士去擦鞋店擦高统靴,秃头老板亲自蹲下来给她效劳。 When a woman doctor who suffers a severe myopic went to shoes-polishing shop for her buskins,the bald boss squatted down to serve her personally. 黑体字部分,正是契合了英语的表达习惯。六、戒“愚忠”,不谙增减之道 我们耳熟能详的东西外国人可能会感到一头雾水,译者需要增加必要的说明和补充或者减译。否则,外国人会不知所云。毕竟,汉译英最终是给外国人看的。例如:风水 fengshui——the location of a house or tomb, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family. 例如:(美国对台)“三不政策” 会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 One day I shall climb Clear to the summit, See how small surrounding Mountain tops appear as they lie below me (新西兰人路易·艾黎译《杜甫·望岳》) I can't open my eyes to watch you jumping into the fiery pit, for I will shut my eyes at the time.
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