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派出所 local police station
跑龙套 utility man, play a bit role, general handyman
碰钉子 get snubbed ( snub n. 故意怠慢, 斥责 v. 故意怠慢, 责骂, 压熄(香烟等), 冷落慢待)
皮包公司 bogus company ( bogus adj. 假的;伪造的 a bogus certificate 伪造的证件)
啤酒肚 beer belly
票贩子 scalper,ticket tout ( tout v. 吹捧)
票房 box office
贫富悬殊 polarization of rich and poor
平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 never burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha's feet when in distress ( incense n. 熏香, 熏香的烟 vt. 激怒)
评头论足 nit-pick ( nit n. (虱等的)幼虫, 卵, <英口>糊涂虫, 傻瓜)

期房 forward delivery housing
旗袍 cheong-sam; Chi-pao
敲竹杠 make somebody pay through the nose; put the lug on; rob by a trick
亲民党 People First Party
勤工俭学 part-work and part-study system; work-study program
清明节 Qingming Festival / Pure Brightness Festival/ Tomb Sweeping Day
情有独钟 show special preference (favor) to…
全国卫生城市 National Hygienic City
全球定位系统 global positioning system (GPS)
全天候服务 round-the-clock service
裙带关系 networking through petticoat influence (petticoat n. 衬裙, 裙子)

染指 reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon (encroach vi. (逐步或暗中)侵占, 蚕食, 超出通常(或正常)界线)
绕圈子 beat around the bush
人才流失 brain drain
人浮于事 overstaffing
人均住房 per-capita housing
人类免疫缺陷病毒 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
融资渠道 financing channels