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财政部关于中央和地方预算的报告 中英双语


3) Expenditures for medical and health care amounted to 82.68 billion yuan, a 24.5% growth and equivalent to 99.4% of the target. We established a new type of cooperative medical care system in all rural areas across the country, covering more than 800 million residents. We increased the number of pilot cities making basic medical insurance available to their non-working residents from 88 to 317, with the number of participating residents increasing from 42.91 million to over 100 million. The central government raised the level of financial aid to 40 yuan per person a year in the central and western regions, and granted a certain level of subsidies to the eastern region. These measures claimed expenditures totaling 27.868 billion yuan. Eight billion yuan was used to expand the basic medical insurance program for urban workers to include all retirees from state-owned enterprises subject to policy-mandated closure or bankruptcy in all localities of the country. We increased funding for public health in areas such as prevention and control of major diseases, as well as for oversight and supervision of food and drugs and development of traditional Chinese medicine, improved medical treatment procedures for public emergencies, stepped up public health and epidemic prevention efforts, and screened infants and pre-school children potentially exposed to melamine-tainted milk power free of charge. These measures claimed expenditures by the central government totaling 12.614 billion yuan. A total of 3.4 billion yuan went to increasing medical assistance in both urban and rural areas, and providing assistance for medical care for urban and rural residents receiving cost of living allowances and rural childless and infirm residents who receive subsidies to cover food, clothing, medical care, housing and burial expenses to enable them to obtain medical insurance and reduce the burden on them from medical expenditures. We spent 6.6 billion yuan to step up development of public health facilities in counties and townships and equip them with basic medical equipment. We expanded the area of the country covered by the policy granting allowances to rural women giving birth in hospitals so that it now covers the entire central and western regions, and the central government raised the allowances to 300 yuan per person for the central region and 400 yuan for the western region.

4) Expenditures for the social safety net and employment work reached 274.359 billion yuan, up 19.2% and equivalent to 99.3% of the target. A total of 36.31 billion yuan was used to improve all aspects of the cost of living allowance system for both urban and rural residents and raise the monthly allowances for urban dwellers by 15 yuan per person and for rural residents by 10 yuan per person on January 1 and again on July 1. The central government allocated 112.743 billion yuan in subsidies for old-age insurance to continue to increase basic old-age benefits for retirees from state-owned enterprises by 110 yuan per person a month, with the focus on the central and western regions and northeast China and other old industrial bases. Twenty billion yuan was spent to support policy-mandated closures or bankruptcies of 80 state-owned enterprises and provide for 320,000 of their laid-off employees. The central government spent 25.208 billion yuan to support the implementation of policies to secure employment for people experiencing difficulty in finding employment by granting them subsidies for subscribing to social security and working in low-paying public service positions. We improved the policies on charges and fees and on guaranteed small loans to encourage business startups in order to expand employment.

5) Expenditures to develop low-income housing totaled 18.19 billion yuan, an increase of 114.3%. More families were made eligible for low-rent housing and rent subsidies for such housing became available to more people. We made steady progress in renovating shantytowns (old and dilapidated housing). A total of 2.95 million low-income urban families across the country benefited from the low-rent housing program. This included 2.29 million families enjoying rent subsidies, 260,000 households renting government-managed housing, and 340,000 families paying discounted rent.

6) Expenditures on culture reached 25.281 billion yuan, up 20% and equivalent to 99.9% of the target. Admission to 1,007 museums and memorial halls across the country was offered free of charge to the public. We supported the project to build a national shared database for cultural information and resources; this has proceeded ahead of schedule and now covers all counties in some provinces and municipalities directly under the central government. Grant of subsidies to enable villages to show movies has been extended to all incorporated villages in the central and western regions. We supported 46,434 incorporated villages in the central and western regions in purchasing suitable books and rewarded those provinces and municipalities directly under the central government in the eastern region that did well in setting up rural reading rooms.

7) Spending on science and technology reached 116.329 billion yuan, up 16.4% and equivalent to 102.6% of the target. This included 90.391 billion yuan applied to step up basic and applied research and 6 billion yuan to launch and carry out all the 16 key state science and technology projects. Funds were used to enable key state laboratories to allow outside personnel to use their facilities and design, manufacture and upgrade their instruments and equipment, and undertake independent innovation and research. Funds were also used to develop a system of industrial technologies for modern agriculture involving 50 major farm products.

8) Spending on environmental protection totaled 104.03 billion yuan, up 33% and equivalent to 101.2% of the target. Included in this total is 42.3 billion yuan used to promote development of the ten major energy conservation projects and the circular economy, control water pollution in key river valleys, and improve urban water supply and wastewater pipe networks in the central and western regions, and 49.96 billion yuan used to support the project to protect natural forests and implement policies for returning farmland to forests and returning grazing land to natural grasslands. Funds were used to finance the trial of a compensation and credit trading system for the right to release pollutants in the Tai Lake basin and the Binhai New Area of Tianjin. Funds were also spent to promote comprehensive utilization of resources and develop new and renewable energy sources.

9) Spending on industry, commerce and banking totaled 387.135 billion yuan, an increase of 59.4% and equivalent to 114.8% of the target. This figure includes 86.7 billion yuan in direct subsidies to grain farmers and general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies, representing an increase of 103%, which benefited 728 million farmers. Another 46.169 billion yuan was used to raise the minimum grain purchase prices three times by a significant accumulative of more than 20%, implement a short-term policy for purchasing and storing major agricultural products, and maintain grain and edible oil reserves. A total of 36.538 billion yuan in subsidies was granted to the fishery industry and four other major industries seriously affected by adjustments in prices of refined petroleum products. Another 2 billion was used to extend to 12 provincial-level administrative areas the program to grant subsidies to enable rural residents to buy home appliances. A total of 89.5 billion yuan was used to support reform of the banking system. Finally, 36.969 billion yuan was spent to promote industrial upgrading and restructuring and accelerate industrial application of new and high technologies.

10) Spending on public security came to 87.577 billion yuan, up9.3% and equivalent to 102.1% of the target. We intensified our efforts to ensure adequate funding for procuratorial, judicial and public security organs, with the focus on guaranteeing sufficient operating expenses to carry out their major duties and improve their infrastructure. We made funds available for reforming the method for collecting court fees for bringing suits. We supported key areas of the country in responding to emergencies.

11) Expenses for national defense totaled 409.943 billion yuan, up 17.7% and equivalent to 100% of the target.

12) Expenditures for transportation amounted to 129.077 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4% (or 22.6% if not including the one-time expenditures in 2007 for railway construction financed with the proceeds from the sale of state assets held by railway enterprises) and equivalent to 122.4% of the target. The large amount over the target was mainly due to increase in expenditures from vehicle purchase tax receipts and in expenditures for developing highways, railways, and other transport facilities during implementation of the budget. Included in this total is 49.5 billion yuan used to strengthen transportation infrastructure such as expressway networks, railways, inland channels, and airports, and 49.2 billion yuan spent to increase support for construction of rural roads, resulting in 391,000 kilometers of newly built or upgraded roads.

13) Expenditures for providing general public services totaled 252.299 billion yuan, up 8.7% and equivalent to 95% of the target. This consists of 1) 127.233 billion yuan for basic public administration and services, such as operation of government offices, down 4.3% and equivalent to 89.6% of the target (expenditures were under the budgeted amount for this item mainly because the budget compiled early last year included transfer payments to administrations of industry and commerce in compensation for the fees they used to collect from sole proprietors and fair trade markets, but during actual implementation this item was incorporated into fiscal transfer payments, and regular budgeted expenditures of state organs were reduced to make more funds available to fight the earthquake and provide disaster relief); and 2) 125.066 billion yuan was used to pay interest on national debt, an increase of 26.2% and equivalent to 101.2% of the target.

Total spending by the central government on the above items in areas such as education, medical and health care, the social safety net, employment, low-income housing and culture that directly affect the people's lives came to 560.364 billion yuan, an increase of 29.2%. Central government expenditures for agriculture, rural areas and farmers totaled 595.55 billion yuan, an increase of 163.7 billion yuan or 37.9%. This figure includes 226.01 billion yuan for agricultural production; 103.04 billion yuan, an increase of 100%, for direct subsidies to grain producers, general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies, subsidies for planting superior crop varieties and subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery and tools; 207.28 billion yuan for social programs such as education, medical and health care, the social safety net, employment, low-income housing and culture in rural areas; and 57.62 billion yuan for expenses and interests related to stockpiles of major agricultural products. The central government's tax rebates and fiscal transfer payments to local governments totaled 1.255932 trillion yuan, the bulk of which went to the people's wellbeing, agriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

3. Public finance's active effect in macro-control

The central leadership made major adjustments in the orientation of macro-control on two occasions in light of developments and changes in the domestic and international economic situations. The primary task for macro-control shifted mid-year from preventing overheated economic growth and significant inflation to maintaining steady and rapid economic development and preventing prices from rising too fast. In September, the central leadership resolutely shifted the focus of macro-control to preventing economic growth from slowing down too quickly. Even more proactive fiscal and taxation policies and measures were adopted mid-year in line with the orientation of central government macro-control while the government continued to pursue a prudent fiscal policy. An even more proactive fiscal policy was implemented in and after October by reducing and exempting taxes and fees by an appropriate amount, raising export rebate rates several times and increasing the spending and key expenditures of the central government. These moves played an important role in promoting steady and rapid economic development.     

We maintained an appropriate increase in central government spending. At the beginning of the year, we reduced the central government deficit and funding for bond-financed projects and increased spending on capital construction in the central budget. The scale and structure of expenditures were adjusted during implementation of the budget to provide relief for quake-hit areas. We set up a central government fund for post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction to give full support for recovery and reconstruction efforts. In the fourth quarter, we energetically raised funds and increased central government spending by 104 billion yuan to ward off the impact of the global financial crisis, accelerate recovery and reconstruction efforts in quake-hit areas, construct low-income housing and carry out other measures to improve the people's wellbeing, and strengthen agricultural infrastructure.

We promoted price stability and alleviated price irrationality. We increased general subsidies for purchasing agricultural supplies and subsidies for planting superior seed varieties by a large margin. We raised minimum grain purchase prices significantly three times, imported a greater volume of agricultural products and important raw materials in short supply on the domestic market, strictly controlled the export of grain and chemical fertilizers and improved regulation of reserves of important commodities. Subsidies were granted to the fishery industry and four others that were greatly affected by changes in the prices of refined petroleum products. We assisted producers of resource products because prices became irrational and were not likely to see correction in the near future. Subsidies for the low-income population were raised promptly as needed. Junior and regular college students in full-time programs received temporary meal allowances.

We reduced the load on enterprises and individuals. The new Law on Corporate Income Tax was implemented, reducing the tax load on enterprises. The salary threshold for the individual income tax was increased and the individual income taxes on interest earnings from savings and stock account balance were suspended. Fiscal and taxation policies were adopted to support development of low-rent housing, affordable housing and the rental housing market. Taxes on housing sales were reduced. The securities transaction stamp tax rate was reduced and the stamp tax on stock purchases was scrapped. We adjusted policies for the sales tax on vehicle purchases. Financially-strapped enterprises were temporarily allowed to suspend their payment of social security contributions, and the required contributions to medical, unemployment, worker's compensation and maternity insurance funds were decreased. According to preliminary statistics, the tax load on enterprises and individuals was reduced by about 280 billion yuan in 2008 due to policies requiring tax reductions and exemptions.     

We supported development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The central government and governments at the provincial level allocated 28.64 billion yuan to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in innovating technology, upgrading products and expanding into international markets. Trials were carried out in investment of venture capital. We improved the credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises, and granted rewards and subsidies to agencies providing guarantees for them. More enterprises became eligible for guaranteed small loans, the central government raised subsidies for interest on guaranteed small loans, and a mechanism for rewarding lending institutions and a mechanism for risk sharing and compensation in the event of losses from nonperforming loans were set up. Preferential taxation policies were adopted to promote development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

We supported efforts to stabilize exports. We increased export rebate rates for textiles, garments and other labor-intensive products, as well as high value added products with high technology content four times. Export tariffs on some steel and chemical products and grain were rescinded, and export tariffs on some chemical fertilizers were lowered and collection methods adjusted.

4. A powerful effort to fight natural disasters and provide disaster relief
