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Secondly, on Climate Change, you have set targets for increased energy efficiency and renewables to help reduce carbon emissions, raising hope throughout the international community of reaching a workable international pact at Copenhagen that puts the world on a path towards low carbon growth – and the stakes could not be higher.

Thirdly, trade. Despite the downturn, the EU and China trade more with each other than with anyone else – and I am committed to reaching our bilateral trade target of $60 billion dollars by 2010. Developing and maintaining open markets will be crucial to help achieve that goal -- and for our part, Britain will continue to welcome wholeheartedly investment from overseas, including from sovereign wealth funds.

Chinese investment in the UK is already exceeding the ambitious targets that Premier Wen and I set at the beginning of this year, and I am sure that the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010 -- the largest there has ever been -- will do even more to further our shared objectives, from climate change to trade and technological innovation.

So once again, let me send my best wishes to the people of China on this important anniversary -- and I look forward to growing ties of understanding and co-operation between our two nations in the years ahead.