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Having said all that, since I am with friends, I have to say the past three years have also seen more than their fair share of highs and lows. I found the great temptation is to judge and criticize when we do not meet or agree with each other's preferences. Each time problems occur, I have tried to draw inspiration from the historical wisdom of our two countries, and worked with my counter part to steer a way through candid dialogue, not losing sight of the larger interests of our two countries.


But I think, the West needs to decide whether it's going to accept China as an equal and take China as it is. To do this it must engage and discuss rather than lecturing when problems occur. There is a story in Chinese called Mr Ye liking the dragon. Mr Ye is a great fan of the dragon. He had the dragon on his clothes, in his home and indeed everything around him. One day the dragon heard of this and decided to pay him a visit. When the dragon suddenly appeared, Mr Ye was so scared that he fainted. This is a story about liking something, but not necessarily really understanding it. If the West's policy objective towards China is to change it in the image of the West, it may never be satisfied.


China is in the middle of reforms. Seldom does one see a major country whose professed objective is to reform itself. This is because we realize that they are still many areas that still leave room for improvement. China will continue to do so at its own pace and in its own way, not because the West wants it, but for the interest of the Chinese people.


The sooner stereotyping of China gets replaced by a wider understanding, the sooner we will be able to recognize our differences and diversity and build a strong relationship based on understanding and respect. We in China also need to learn how to better explain ourselves to the world. My message to my colleagues is always: communicate, communicate and communicate. This is particularly important for China and UK as our relations are growing beyond the bilateral level and we more and more need to work together on global issues.


As I leave this country, I achieved some full stops in my work. There are still quite a few commas and unfinished business. There are even some question marks. But my commitment to the China-Britain partnership remains unchanged and I am confident of a better tomorrow.


On a personal note I hope that my successor Ambassador Liu Xiaoming receives the great welcome and support I have had and I would like to thank my great embassy team for the support over the last three years. My thanks also go to Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel, which has provided such a nice setting for tonight's reception.


I am flying out next Monday. I will be trying to take my last jog in the park and walk on Oxford Street for the last time. I am already missing Britain. May I wish our friendship last forever.