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Premier Wen,
Distinguished ministers,
Commissioners General,
Ladies and gentlemen,

The word has gone forth. Since May of this year, all around the world, people have been talking about a remarkable, even historic, event.

They have heard about dazzling new technologies … rich cultural celebrations … star performances by dancers, singers, actors … all enacted on the stage-set of these beautiful and splendid pavilions.

And so they have come … here to Shanghai … from all corners of the world.

They came to see with their own eyes … more than 70 million people from dozens of countries.

And they were not disappointed. To the contrary, they were awed … and inspired.


The Government of China, the City of Shanghai and the International Bureau of Expositions deserve the highest praise.

At this great world plaza, they brought nations together…

Celebrated global diversity…

Inspired the world with feats of architectural design … rich intellectual exhibitions … and a rich multi-cultural mosaic of visitors.



With this Expo, Shanghai has secured its reputation as one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities.

Along the way, it has completed a transformation many years in the making.

Let us remember: this is the first World Expo organized by a city in a developing country.


And let us credit our hosts for their inventive, futurist theme -- Better City, Better Life.

This theme could hardly be more timely.

After all, we live in an increasingly urban century.

Today, more than half of the world’s people live in cities. That percentage will continue to


Thanks to this Expo, millions of people learned about possibilities for making our cities healthier and safer -- cities that better integrate nature and technology… cities that offer their citizens cleaner air and water, and better lives all around.

In other words, this Expo offers hope … hope for tackling the growing challenges of our age of urbanization.


Ladies and gentlemen,

We all know that cities, today, are under enormous pressure.

More and more people are moving into the world’s cities. As they grow ever larger, cities are less and less able to cope.

Billions of people live in life-threatening conditions, trapped in slums from which they cannot hope to escape, lacking basic amenities from fresh water and sanitation to basic shelter.

Cities are also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

And those on the coasts face the risk of rising sea levels associated with climate change.
