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Still, cities remain powerful draws.

They are centers for jobs and economic opportunity. They drive commerce and innovation. People flock to them in hopes of finding a better life.

The Shanghai Expo has given us invaluable ideas for tackling these challenges.

We have seen innovations in construction and new uses of natural resources.

We have been reminded of what architects and builders can do to cut energy and water use.


We more fully appreciate the importance of mass transit systems.

And we understand that special attention must be given to the unique problems of the world’s slums.

In all this, I hope that China will be an urban pioneer.

Already, China is a frontrunner in addressing the urban slum challenge and in embracing green technologies, renewable energy sources and green business models.

I look forward to working more closely with China across the sustainable development agenda.

Let us work together towards wiser use of our planet’s finite natural resources.

Let us introduce sustainable practices at all stages of production, consumption and trade, from policy-making to the daily operations of small and large businesses.

Let us do more to develop renewable sources of energy, and make them affordable to all people.

And let us work together to combat climate change, encouraging our cities and towns to vigorously implement mitigation and adaptation measures.

These are the core tenets of the “green economy”.

And all are essential for achieving truly sustainable development – development that incorporates social, economic and environmental goals for cities and entire nations.



In 2012, world leaders will gather in Rio de Janeiro for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development -- Rio + 20.

There, we will renew political commitments and seek to identify gaps and address new challenges that have emerged since the Earth Summit two decades ago.

I have high hopes for this event, and I invite you to join us.

Let us use the lessons of the Shanghai Expo to reinvigorate the spirit of Rio.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Shanghai Expo will soon close … but it will not be forgotten.

As you prepare to return home, I hope you will keep spreading the word.

到2012年,世界各国的领导人将会齐聚里约热内卢,参加联合国可持续发展会议,在那里我们将重新明确政治的承诺,寻找发展的差距,来应对20年以前地球峰会举办以来所涌现的新挑战。我对此会议寄予了厚望,我也在这里对各位发出邀请,我们要借鉴2010年上海世博会的经验,把里约精神再次发扬光大。 女士们、先生们,中国上海世博会即将落幕,但是上海世博会的主题我们将会铭记在心,当你们准备收拾行程回国的时候,我希望你们能够继续把这个字眼传播到世界各地。上海世博会和联合国展馆已经向全世界呈现了坚定强烈的信息,那就是“分享知识、交流文化、秉承共同的愿望,建设更加美好的世界”。

The Shanghai Expo – and our own United Nations pavilion – has sent a powerful message to the world.

That message is this: by sharing our knowledge, our cultures, and our desire for a better world, we are all enriched … and we can all succeed.

Let us keep the Shanghai vision alive in our discussions, our lifestyles and our work.

Thank you.
