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We also discussed how to encourage Chinese investment in the UK and how to enable Chinese companies to do business in the UK. The UK is already one of the most open economies in the world to trade and inward investment and welcomes more Chinese investment, including from sovereign wealth funds. We noted that UK firms are doing well in China’s growing market. For example, UK firms play a key role in China’s financial markets. UK banks account for 23 per cent of the foreign banking market. Our insurers are among the leading foreign players.
双方探讨了如何鼓励中国在英国投资、如何促使中国企业在英国开展业务。英国作为世界上贸易和投资最开放的经济体之一,欢迎更多来自中国的投 资,包括主权财富基金的投资。我们注意到,英国企业在中国日益发展的市场上表现出色。例如,英国企业在中国金融市场上发挥着关键作用。英国银行占外国银行 市场的23%。英国的保险公司也处于领先的外国企业行列。

And we agreed that it is not just bilateral trade that matters. The UK and China can work in partnership elsewhere, and we discussed how we can support greater partnerships between UK and Chinese companies in third countries. We discussed the business environment in both our countries. There are lots of opportunities in China’s growing market and I highlighted some areas where British companies believe China’s business environment could be improved. We also noted the challenges in the business environment and will work to address this. I encouraged China to respond constructively to the views of the business community. We noted the importance of effective protection of intellectual property rights to promote innovation and encourage bilateral trade, especially in high-technology goods and services. We agreed ambitious plans for deepened technical collaboration on intellectual property administration and enforcement. We also agreed to establish a working-level dialogue on tax issues for businesses engaged in bilateral trade and investment.
双方同意,发挥重要作用的不仅仅是双边贸易。英、中两国可以在其他领域合作,双方探讨了如何在第三国进一步发展英、中两国企业间的合作。双 方探讨了两国的商业发展环境。在中国日益发展的市场上有大量的机会,我曾强调了在一些领域英国企业相信中国的商业环境会进一步完善。双方也注意到商业环境 中面临的挑战,将共同努力解决这些问题。我希望中国对于这些来自商界的意见可以有建设性地应对。双方认识到有效保护知识产权对促进创新和鼓励双边贸易的重 要性,特别是在高科技产品和服务领域。双方同意启动雄心勃勃的计划,在知识产权管理和实施方面深化技术合作。双方同意,建立企业双边贸易和投资的税收问题 的工作层面的对话机制。

We discussed the economic outlook for our countries. I outlined the decisive steps we have had to take to deal with Britain’s deficit. And I assured the Vice Premier that Britain’s economic and financial strengths will be further enhanced. Our business sector remains top-class with world-beating research, innovation and enterprise. London is the world’s largest and leading international financial centre and I was pleased that we have agreed to strengthen our financial sector collaboration. We both agreed that further deepening of financial services ties between the UK and China will benefit both sides. We reiterated our commitment to work together to drive forward the reform of international financial regulation and supervisory standards, and strengthen transparency and accountability in the financial sector.
双方探讨了两国的经济发展前景。我概述了我们所采取的解决英国赤字问题的决定性措施。并且我可以和副总理确定的是英国的经济和金融实力将进 一步增强。我们的商业依然是一流的,拥有世界上最强大的研究、创新能力以及企业。伦敦是世界上最大的国际金融中心,发挥着引领的作用。我很高兴我们能够一 致同意加强金融领域的协作。双方一致认为,进一步加深英国和中国之间的金融服务关系对双方都是有利的。我们重申致力于合作推动国际金融监管标准的改革,加 强金融领域的透明度和问责制。

We are announcing an expansion of our unrivalled programme of bilateral technical collaboration and joint research on financial sector reform and development. This includes development of the offshore renminbi market, SME financing, corporate and government bond market development. We welcome the fact that China will soon allow foreign-invested banks to conduct bond underwriting business. We agree to explore the possibility of cross-cutting Exchange Trade Funds on our respective stock markets. We both reiterated our support for mutual listings arrangements that will allow Chinese companies to list in London and foreign firms to list in China
我们宣布,进一步拓展现有成果,继续致力于双边技术合作以及金融领域改革与发展方面的共同研究。包括离岸人民币市场、中小企业融资、公司和 政府债券市场的发展。我们期待着中国将尽快允许外资银行开展债券承销业务。我们同意探索研究交易型开放式指数基金(ETF)在对方国家相互上市的可能性。 双方重申了对两国企业相互上市的支持,即允许中国企业在伦敦上市以及外国企业在中国上市。

It also gives me great pleasure to announce a deepening of our financial services ties through several commercial deals. The first securities joint venture in China for a British bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, whose Chairman is part of the UK delegation accompanying David Cameron and I. The bancassurance partnership between Hengan Standard Life and Bank of China, subject to the finalisation of commercial negotiations. And the granting to Aberdeen Asset Management of their funding quota for investment in Chinese markets.

So, Vice-Premier, let me conclude. Successful talks, between ever closer economic partners. Once again, thank you for hosting us. And I look forward to the 2011 dialogue in the United Kingdom.