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坚持多元合作 推动共同发展
中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
2010年11月13日 澳门

Advance Common Development Through Diversified Cooperation
--Address by H.E. Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
At the Opening Ceremony of the Third Ministerial Conference of
the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation
Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries
Macao, 13 November 2010


Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am delighted to gather with all the friends here in the beautiful Macao and attend the Third Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation Between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese government, warm congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and pay high tribute to all the people who have long been committed to advancing the economic cooperation and trade between the two sides.


This Forum has served as an important platform and bond for mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries. It has given full play to Macao's unique advantage as a bridge between the two sides and boosted our exchanges and cooperation with a focus on economy and trade.


In 2003 when the Forum was founded, trade between the two sides was just a bit over US$10 billion. It surged to US$77 billion in 2008 and hit the target of US$50 billion one year ahead of schedule. In the first three quarters of this year, two-way trade reached US$68.2 billion, up 57% year-on-year, showing strong vitality. Today, coffee, cashews, wine and other famous products from the Portuguese-speaking countries are becoming more and more popular in China. And quality yet inexpensive consumer goods from China have enriched the markets of the Portuguese-speaking countries and have been well received by their people.


Since the inception of the Forum, two-way investment between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries has rapidly expanded. By the end of 2009, Portuguese-speaking countries had set up over 700 companies in China with a total investment of more than US$500 million. China's investment in these countries is also burgeoning, and the total volume has exceeded US$1 billion. The ever-growing investment between the two sides has brought us the applicable technologies that we each need, supported our economic development and improved the lives of the people.

中国对部分发展中葡语国家的援助造福于当地人民。论坛成立以来,中国共向安哥拉、佛得角、几内亚比绍、莫桑比克、东帝汶五国提供各类援款 35.6亿元人民币,免除到期政府无息贷款债务2.3亿元人民币。中国援建的佛得角泡衣崂水坝、莫桑比克国家体育场、中几比友谊医院、东帝汶政府办公大楼等一批标志性工程,已经成为中国与葡语国家友好的象征,产生了良好的经济效益或社会效益。

China's assistance to some of the developing Portuguese-speaking countries has benefited the local people. Since the founding of the Forum, China has provided a total of 3.56 billion RMB yuan of assistance to Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Timor Leste, and cancelled 230 million yuan of debts associated with interest-free government loans. A number of signature projects that China built, such as the Poilao Dam in Cape Verde, the national stadium in Mozambique, the friendship hospital in Guinea-Bissau and the government office buildings in Timor Leste, have become symbols of friendship between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries and produced good economic and social returns.


Cooperation between the two sides has gradually extended from economy and trade to education, culture and other fields. Our cooperation in human resources development, in particular, has been greatly enhanced. Up to now, China has held over 200 workshops of various kinds and trained over 2,100 officials and technicians for the Portuguese-speaking countries, including the over 1,400 people trained in the recent three years, overfulfilling the target set at the second ministerial conference of the Forum.