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在今年10月初, cnn一项针对全球读者新闻消费与分享习惯的调查显示,43%的新闻通过Twitter和Facebook等社交媒体网络和工具分享,社交网络已经成为新闻分享的最大渠道。这个调查也从某种程度上表明,许多网民已经不再是或者说不需要再通过门户去了解资讯。我想凡是使用过新浪微博的朋友都会有这样一个感觉,那就是微博已经越来越成为资讯获取的重要渠道。在这里,通过发布和转发,用户可以方便而快速地了解最新的突发新闻和最有意思的资讯。
In early October, a survey conducted by cnn on the consumption and sharing habits of global-news readers showed that more than 43 percent of news was shared through SNS tools like Twitter and Facebook, and SNS had become the single most important way of sharing news. To some extent the survey showed that many Internet users no longer get news, in other words, no longer need to get news, through portals. I think that all those friends who have used microblogging on Sina.com must feel that microblogging is increasingly becoming an important means to get news. Here users can conveniently and quickly get the latest breaking news and most interesting stuff by publishing and forwarding.

In the post-portal era, the de-centralization of communication and the diversification of audiences will be an irreversible trend.

Third, in terms of business patterns, vertical and segmented online service modes have extensively developed in the past couple of years.

With the development of the Internet in China for more than ten years, the needs and behavior of Chinese Internet users have been always changing. At the same time, with the rapid increase of the number of users, their online needs and preferences are gradually diversifying. Therefore, satisfying a specific online-application need for a specific group of users has become a ‘rich ore’ that is worth exploiting. Following this, in the past couple of years, many vertical and segmented Websites specializing in dating, shopping, entertainment, tourism and literary reading and etc., represented by taobao.com, kaixin001.com, douban.com and sd-wx.com.cn and etc., have prospered.

In sum, in the past two years the development of the Internet in China has entered the new ‘post-portal era.’ If I am asked to say what the difference of this era between that of the past is, I would like to say that in this era, both portal sites and other online service platforms have at the same time showed admirable vitality and creativity, and they have genuinely provided Chinese Internet users with online lives in the broad sense.

Of course, facing the future, I believe that commercial portal sites represented by Sina.com and Sohu.com will, like what they did before, bring more new denotations and connotations to the ‘post-portal era’!

Thank you!