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----We will combine absorbing foreign investment with investing abroad in an effort to enlarge to room for economic development.China is now relatively rich in capital and foreign exchange reserves, which is an advantage of China's development. But we must not overlook the role of foreign capital. The technological innovation, managerial expertise and market opportunities that are often associated with foreign investment are not what one can buy with money. We will continue to welcome investors from all countries to China, especially to the central and western parts of the country. We will attach greater importance to bringing into China advanced know-how, human talents and intellectual resources and to protecting intellectual property rights. We will continue to cultivate an open legal, policy and market environment for all types of market entities at home and abroad by sorting out relevant Chinese laws, regulations, policies and measures and ensuring their consistence with the WTO rules. We will speed up the implementation of the "going global" strategy, encourage more capable and credible Chinese firms to invest overseas, pay attention to the cooperation schemes aimed at improving the livelihood of the underdeveloped countries and enhancing their capacity for independent development, and stress the need to undertake relevant social responsibilities in the interest of the local communities.


----We will combine deepening openness in the coastal areas with greater openness in the hinterland and border areas in an effort to further improve China's regional opening-up layout. The coastal areas must accelerate the development of new international competitive edge, transforming the themselves from being a world factory to being a base for R&D, design, brand marketing and service outsourcing, and moving up the international value chain. The hinterland areas should bring out their comparative advantages of rich natural resources and labor, work hard to improve their investment environment, actively receive relocated industries from overseas and China's coastal areas and build up more high-caliber manufacturing and processing bases. The border areas should give full play to their geographical advantages, put in place special opening-up policies, speed up the building of major ports, border cities, border economic cooperation zones and key development and opening-up experimental zones with a view to increasing to overall level of openness.


----We will combine openness in economic field with openness in other fields in an effort to promote reform, development and innovation. Economy remains the basis and key priority of China's opening-up program. We will take steady steps to widen the openness of our service industry, keep up the reform in the RMB exchange rate forming mechanism, expand the cross-border use of RMB and gradually make RMB convertible under the capital account. At the same time, we will step up exchanges and cooperation with other countries in education, science, technology, culture, health and other areas so as to promote reform and development of China's social programs through ever enlarged openness.


----We will combine opening to the developed countries with opening to the developing countries in an effort to expand the convergence of interests with all parties. China and the developed countries are at different stages of development with strong economic complementarities and broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation. It is necessary for both sides to step up strategic dialogue, increase strategic trust, broaden areas of cooperation and properly handle their trade frictions. The developing countries are blessed with an enormous potential for development and they occupy an important position in China's market diversification and "going global" strategies. We are ready to engage in economic cooperation with all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, irrespective of their wealth or social systems.


----We will combine openness in the multilateral context with openness in the bilateral context while continuing to play a constructive role in the international economic system. We are ready to engage more actively in multilateral economic and trade affairs and management of global issues, sharing out development opportunities with other countries and taking on the challenges together. We are also ready to push forward regional cooperation process and explore the possibility of establishing free trade areas with relevant countries and regions. I wish to take this opportunity to repeat my call for all parties to uphold the development mandate of the WTO Doha Round negotiations, pay attention to the interests of the least developed countries and advance the negotiations in a results-oriented way on the basis of locking in the existing outcomes. China has always been supportive of the negotiations and sincerely looks forward to substantive outcomes at an early date.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


China's opening to the outside world in the past 30 years and more tells us that only an open and inclusive country can be strong and prosperous and achievements in opening-up, keep the policy in place throughout our modernization process, vigorously move the great cause forward and work tirelessly to build a prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious China and to ensure prosperity, development and progress in the world.


Thank you.