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Faculty members, students, China and Europe may seem far apart geographically, but we are in fact in the same time, at the same space. I even feel that we are close to each other as if in the same neighbourhood. Both China and Europe are in the crucial stage of development, and are facing uNPRecedented opportunities and challenges. As I just said, I hope to work with our European friends, to build a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Euro-Asian continent. For that we need to build four bridges, for peace, growth, reform and progress of civilization, so that China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership will take on even greater global significance.

We need to build a bridge of peace and stability, linking the two strong forces of China and EU. Together china and the EU take up one tenth of total area of the earth, and one forth of the world's population. Together we take three seats on the United Nations Security Council. We all need peace, multilateralism and dialogue, instead of war, unilateralism, and confrontation. We need to enhance communication and coordination on global issues, and play a key role in safeguarding world peace and stability. Civilisation and culture can spread, and so can peace and development. China stands ready to work with the EU to let the sunlight of peace drive away the shadow of war, and the bonfire of prosperity warm up the global economy in the cold early spring, and enable the whole mankind to embark on the path of peaceful development and win-win cooperation.

We need to build a bridge of growth and prosperity linking the two big markets of China and Europe. China and EU are two most important economies in the world, with our combined economies accounting for one third of the global economy. We must uphold open markets, speed up negotiations on investment agreements, actively explore the possibility of a free trade area, and strive to achieve the ambitious goal of bringing two-way trade to a trillion U.S. dollars by 2020. We should also study to combine China-EU cooperation with the initiative of developing the silk road economic belt, so as to integrate the market of Asia and Europe, energize the people, businesses, capital and technologies of Asia and Europe, and make China and EU the twin engines for global economic growth.

We need to build a bridge of reform and progress, linking the reform processes in China and EU. Both China and EU are pursing reforms that are uNPRecedented in human history, and both are sailing on uncharted waters. We may enhance dialogue and cooperation on macro economy, public policy, regional development, rural development, social welfare and other fields. We need to respect each other's paths of reform, draw upon each other's reform experience, and promote world development and progress through our reform efforts.

We need to build a bridge of common cultural prosperity linking the two major civilizations of China and Europe. China represents in an important way the eastern civilization, while Europe is the birthplace of the western civilization. The Chinese people are fond of tea and Belgians love beer. To me, the moderate tea drinker and passionate beer lover represent two ways of understanding life and knowing the world, and I find them equally rewarding. When good friends get together, they may want to drink to their hearts content to show their friendship. They may also choose to sit down quietly and drink tea while chatting about their lives. In China, we value our ideal preserving harmony without uniformity. And here in the EU, people stress the need to be united in diversity. Let us work together for all flowers of human civilization to blossom together.

Inspite of changes in the international landscape, China has always supported European integration and a bigger role in international affairs by a united, stable and prosperous EU. China will soon release its second EU policy paper to reiterate the high importance it places on the EU and on its relations with the EU. Last year, China and EU jointly formulated the strategic agenda 2020 for China-EU cooperation, setting out a host of ambitious goals for China-EU cooperation in nearly a hundred areas. The two sides should work in concert to turn the blueprint into reality at an early date, and strive for greater progress in China-EU relations in the coming decade.

Faculty members, students, the College of Europe has in recent years placed increasing importance on China. It has opened courses on Europe-China relations. It is also busy preparing for the launch of a Europe-China Research Centre devoted to studies of Europe-China relations. China has decided to work with the College of Europe to build a China Library, the first of its kind in a EU member country, and will provide for the purpose of academic research, 10,000 books, videos and films on Chinese history, culture and achievements China has made in various fields. As we Chinese believe one needs to not only read 10,000 books, but also travel 10,000 miles to know the world around us, I suggest that you go to China more often to see for yourselves what China is like. What you hear from others might be false but what you see with your own eyes is real.China intends to work with the EU to bring the number of students exchange between the two sides to a 300,000 each year by 2020.

Young people are always energetic and full of dreams. They are the future of China, Europe and indeed of the world. I hope that Chinese and European students will perceive the world with equality, respect and love. And treat different civilizations with appreciation, inclusiveness and the spirit of mutual learning. This way, it will promote mutual understanding and knowledge among the people of China, Europe and other parts of the world. And with your youthful energy and hard work make our planet a better place to live in.(Thank you.)