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中高口二阶段口试:热点话题 学习总结



房地产市场 real estate market/ property market

房地产市场过热 overheated property sector

投机性房产交易 speculative property transactions

房地产泡沫 property bubble

房价 property price/ housing price——注意不是house price

普通购房者 private homebuyer——注意是private,不是ordinary

观望态度 wait-and-watch attitude——合成词做前置定语

炒房者 real estate speculator

房产中介 real estate agent

首付 down payment

分期付款 payment by installment

月供 monthly installment payment

廉租房 low-rent housing

经济适用房 affordable housing

闲置地产 vacant property

现房 complete apartment

期房 forward delivery housing

商品房 commercial residential building

二手房 second-hand house

政策性住房 policy-related house

按揭购房 buy a house on mortgage

购房契税 property deed tax

印花税 property stamp duty

楼层建筑面积 floor space

容积率 capacity rate

停车位 parking space

住房公积金 housing accumulation fund

房产证 property ownership certificate

房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate

商业地产 commercial property

住宅地产 residential property

商住综合楼 commercial and residential complex

地段等级 location classification

旧区改造 reconstruction of old area