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be used as   被……用作
be used to   习惯于
get used to   习惯于
be useful to  对……有用
be well up in  精通,熟悉
be wild with joy 欣喜若狂
be willing to (do) 乐意……
be worried about 为……而担心
be worse off  处境较坏,情况恶化
be worth (doing) 值得(做)
be wrong with  有点毛病,有些不舒服


【例句】This information should be used to strategize about the approach to take in subsequent interviews.

【例句】Americans used to like big cars, and gasoline used to be very inexpensive.
过去美国人喜欢大型轿车,那时汽油很便宜。(used to do sth.)

【例句】Anythingyou say may be taken down and used as evidence against you.
你说的每句话都可能记录下来用作指控你的证据。(be used as sth.)

【例句】When a confirmation box is issued routinely, users get used to approving it routinely.
当例行公事地发起确认对话框时,用户也习惯性地批准。(get used to sth.=
be used to sth.

【例句】We’re all used to the fact that we have to invoke a dialog to perform a basic function, so we hardly notice it.
我们都已经习惯了这样的现实,即要想执行某个功能,就必须要调出一个对话框,所以我们几乎感觉不到这一点。(be used to sth.=
get used to sth.
