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franchise fee


Didi Kuaidi is cooperating with authorities and traditional taxi operators in Shanghai to launch a taxi driver service center, in a move to trial a new management system in which taxi drivers pay service fees instead of franchise fees. 滴滴快的正联合上海市有关部门和传统出租车公司,以组织"出租汽车驾驶员服务社"的形式,试水以服务费取代"份子钱"的出租车管理模式。

入社驾驶员每月只需要缴纳50元服务费,服务社除提供驾驶员销卡(number cancellation)、发票管理(invoice management)等日常服务外,还将提供车辆更新(vehicle replacement)、车辆商业保险(commercial auto insurance)、线上代缴税金(online rate payment)等便利服务。

服务社还将给司机一定补贴:如顶灯设置(roof beacon settings)、计价器软件更新(taximeter software upgrades)的费用。


拒载 refuse passengers' requests

议价 negotiate the price

中途甩客 drop off passengers in the middle of the trip


Secondary School Admission Test


The Upper Level Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) results for a total of 357 students, who took the tests in China on Sept 19, were canceled by the SSAT Board. 9月19日参加中国地区高级SSAT的所有357名考生的考试成绩均被SSAT委员会取消。

SSAT考试是美国私立高中(private high schools)入学考试,相当于中国的中考。其考试难度和高昂的学费一直是阻碍普通家庭学生申请学校的门槛。这些一流的私立高中素有"小常春藤(Ivy League high schools)"之称,在美国也只有2%的学生能够就读(only admit about 2% of all American students)。

SSAT委员会决定取消成绩缘于"有充分理由质疑这次考试成绩的有效性(there is a reasonable basis to question the validity of scores)"。一些媒体解读,SSAT委员会的质疑可能缘于本次考试中中国考生的"大面积高分(suspiciously high scores)"。


美国高考(SAT) Scholastic Assessment Test

托福(TOEFL) Test of English as a Foreign Language

雅思(IELTS) International English Language Testing System


"helping the elderly" insurance


"Helping the elderly" insurance became available for purchase on Alibaba's payment platform Alipay recently. The new insurance product may offer new courage to do-gooders. 阿里巴巴旗下支付平台支付宝近期推出"扶老人险"。这份新保险产品也许能让好心人重拾勇气。

该险种保费(premium)为3元,保期一年(valid for one year),投保后如果发生"帮助老人(lend a helping hand to the elderly)反而被讹"的状况,最高可获得2万元的法律诉讼费用赔偿(pays up to RMB20,000 to cover legal fees)。

"扶老人险"的推出引发热议,有人认为此举可以帮助好心人(good Samaritans)讨回公道,有人则认为这非但不能解决问题,反而可能会助长"讹人"之风(encourage such extortion)。


老年人 senior citizen

纠纷 dispute

道德沦丧 declining morality


elderly immigrants


"Elderly immigrants" become a hot topic as more and more elderly are leaving their hometown, and settling down in cities with their children. Most of the elderly immigrants come to cities to help taking care of their grandchildren. "老漂族"引发关注。如今越来越多的老年人离开故土,跟随子女来到陌生的城市落脚。帮忙带孩子是"老年漂"的主因。

虽然"老漂"生活让老人们能够亲近儿女、共享天伦(spend more time with his family),但他们也面临气候、饮食、风俗习惯的巨大改变,还有语言不通(difficulties in language)、异地社保、医疗(seek medical treatment)等各种困扰。

"老漂族"背后,暴露的也不仅是飞速城镇化(urbanization)所导致的简单的人口迁徙问题,还有当前全社会所面临的养老服务(service for the aged)、异地医保(remote medical insurance)等综合问题。


基本养老保险制度 basic endowment insurance system

养老金"城乡并轨" unify the two separate pension systems for urban and rural residents