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英语学习是长期的慢工夫,要注重慢慢积累,厚积薄发。因此,无论何时何地,只要有机会,我们随时随地都应留心身边的英语语言现象。当搭乘公交的时候,我们看到的是"Please get off at the front or rear door"(请在前后门下车),后门是"rear door",而并非想象的"back door";去银行办理业务,匆匆一瞥"Industrial and commercial Bank of China",我们学到的是"industry"(工业)和"commerce"(商业)的形容词形式;早上吃早餐的时候,咸菜袋子上印着"pickle"(榨菜)和"ingredient"(配料)......像这样日积月累,我们能"pick up"(偶然获得)很多重要的英语词汇和语言现象,不仅丰富了词汇量和巩固加深了理解,而且增强了自己英语学习的兴趣和信心。大家不妨试试这种方法寓学于乐,寓学于生活的点点滴滴,对英语学习相当有效。

英语学习的另外一个重要方面就是要利用一切可用的机会"用"英语。碰到老外问路,为什么我们不向他(她)秀秀你即使是"蹩脚"的口语呢?和老外坐在同一张桌子上吃饭,为什么我们不和他(她)从"It is a nice day"开始聊起呢?National Geographic (美国《国家地理》杂志)在世界范围内征集稿件,为什么我们不把身边的故事写下来发给它的编辑呢?如此等等。这样长期以来,自从第一次开口向老外"say hello"(问好)和自己的英语处女作发表在英文报刊杂志上,你一定会想到第二次,第三次......慢慢地,你的听说读写能力都会在不经意间提高,反过来,通过你实际"用"英语,你也会感觉到英语成了你生活中必不可少的工具,你是在"玩"英语,你眼中的英语也不再是干瘪瘪的文字,也不再是"哑巴"英语和"聋子"英语,同样也刺激了你更进一步深入地学习英语

英语学习还需要用你饱满的热情去体验英语给你的感受。和汉语一样,英语也是一种博大精深的语言,当一种语言文字连缀成段落或者篇章的时候,它们往往是言志的--即为了说明一种道理或者表达一种思想情感等等。当我们读到"关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑"的时候,脑海里闪现出一个深情的男子对貌美的女子的渴慕之情。因此,对于英语的名家名篇,跨考心一老师强烈建议广大考生除了背诵它,有机会还要在心里揣摩它的内在含义,说通俗点就是read between the lines(理解字里行间的蕴涵意义)。这样以来,无论对于我们的英语写作,还是对于我们日常英语的即兴口语表达都很有作用。下面这首Lord Byron (拜伦)的诗提供给大家,按照心一所说的方法去体验英语的语言魅力:There is a pleasure in the pathless woods;/There is a rapture on the lonely shore;/There is society, where none intrudes,/By the deep sea, and music:/I love not man the less, but Nature more.(参考译文:无径之林,常有情趣;无人之岸,几多惊喜;岸畔崖间,鼓浪为乐;无人驻足,是为桃源)。



The Bush crowd bristles(发怒) at the use of the "Q-word" - quagmire(沼泽) - to describe American involvement in Iraq. But with our soldiers fighting and dying with no end in sight, who can deny that Mr. Bush has gotten us into "a situation from which extrication(救出,解脱) is very difficult," which is a standard definition of quagmire?

More than 1,730 American troops have already died in Iraq.__66__.She was one of six service members, including four women, who were killed when a suicide bomber struck their convoy in Falluja last week.

With evidence mounting that U.S. troop strength in Iraq was inadequate, Mr. Bush told reporters at the White House, "There are some who feel that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, Bring 'em on."

__67_ . A New Jersey Democrat, was quoted in The Washington Post as saying: "I am shaking my head in disbelief. When I served in the Army in Europe during World War II, I never heard any military commander - let alone the commander in chief - invite enemies to attack U.S. troops."

__68__."We've learned that Iraqis are courageous and that they need additional skills," said Mr. Bush in his television address. "And that is why a major part of our mission is to train them so they can do the fighting, and then our troops can come home."

Don't hold your breath. __69__.

Whether one agreed with the launch of this war or not - and I did not - the troops doing the fighting deserve to be guided by leaders in Washington who are at least minimally competent at waging war.__70__.

A. It was an immature display of street-corner machismo that appalled(惊骇)people familiar with the agonizing ordeals(严酷的考验) of combat.

B. The American death toll in Iraq at that point was about 200,but it was clear that a vicious opposition was developing.

C.This is another example of the administration's inability to distinguish between a strategy and a wish.

DSome were little more than children when they signed up(签约雇用) for the armed forces, like Ramona Valdez, who grew up in the Bronx and was just 17 when she joined the Marines.

E.The latest fantasy out of Washington is that American-trained Iraqi forces will ultimately be able to do what the American forces have not: defeat the insurgency and pacify Iraq

F.That has not been the case, which is why we can expect to remain stuck in this tragic quagmire for the foreseeable future."