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The term massage therapy (also called massage, for short; massage also refers to an individual treatment session) covers a group of practices and techniques. There are over 80 types of massage therapy. In all of them, therapists press, rub, and otherwise manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body, often varying pressure and movement. They most often use their hands and fingers, but may use their forearms, elbows, or feet. Typically, the intent is to relax the soft tissues, increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas, warm them, and decrease pain.

Massage therapy dates back thousands of years. References to massage have been found in ancient writings from many cultures, including those of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Japan, China, Egypt, and the Indian subcontinent. In the United States, massage therapy first became popular and was promoted for a variety of health purposes starting in the mid-1800s. In the 1930s and 1940s, however, massage fell out of favor, mostly because of scientific and technological advances in medical treatments. Interest in massage revived in the 1970s, especially among athletes.

More recently, a 2002 national survey on Americans' use of CAM (published in 2004) found that 5 percent of the 31,000 participants had used massage therapy in the preceding 12 months, and 9.3 percent had ever used it. According to recent reviews, people use massage for a wide variety of health-related intents: for example, to relieve pain (often from musculoskeletal conditions, but from other conditions as well); rehabilitate sports injuries; reduce stress; increase relaxation; address feelings of anxiety and depression; and aid general wellness.

Massage therapy appears to have few serious risks if appropriate cautions are followed. A very small number of serious injuries have been reported, and they appear to have occurred mostly because cautions were not followed or a massage was given by a person who was not properly trained. Health care providers recommend that patients not have massage therapy before they consult their doctors about their own health conditions.

Scientists are studying massage to understand what effects massage therapy has on patients, how it has those effects, and why. Some aspects of this are better understood than others. There are many more aspects that are not yet known or well understood scientifically. More well-designed studies are needed to understand and confirm these theories and other scientific aspects of massage.

1). Which one of the following statements about massage is NOT correct according to the passage?

A. Many different practices and techniques can all be called massage

B. Soft tissues of the body are usually the target of massage

C. Hands and fingers aide the only body parts that therapists use when practicing massage

D. Massage can do much more than just providing relaxation


答案解析:细节题;需要我们进行反向选择,A选项的意思在原文中有“…covers a group of practices and techniques”作为支持。B选项和原文的“…manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body”所表达的意思一致。C选项和原文中“…but may use their forearms,elbows,or feet”有冲突,所以C选项是我们需要选择的。D选项中的“much more”有原文的“…increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the massaged areas,warm them,and decrease pain”作为佐证。

2). Which one of the following statements is true about the history of massage?

A. It has a history of about several hundred year

B. It is only found in ancient Asia countries like China and Japan

C. It lost its popularity after 1970s because of medical advance

D. It had twists and turns in its development in


答案解析:细节题;题目中的定位词history告诉我们解答这个题目需要的信息出现在原文的第二段。A选项和原文的“Massage therapy dates back thousands of years”有冲突。B选项和原文的“including those of Ancient Greece,Ancient Rome”表达的意思不一致。C选项的“lost its popularity”和原文的“fell out of favor”为同义表达,而其中的“1970s”却和原文的“In the 1930s and 1940s”不一致。D选项对于按摩疗法在美国发展给出的总结是正确的,为正确答案。

3). In the survey mentioned in paragraph 3, we know that 9.3 percent of the participants ______.

A. used massage therapy in 2002

B. used massage therapy in 2004

C. had used massage therapy at least once

D. used massage therapy in 2001


答案解析:细节题;定位词为“9.3 percent”,而题目也直接指向了原文的第三段。这里的“9.3 percent had ever used it”正是我们需要的答案,所以C选项是正确选项。其他几个选项均出自这个段落,所以对信息的准确定位对于我们辨别干扰选项会起到很好的铺垫作用。

4). Paragraph 4 is mainly concerned about ______.

A. side effects and risks of massage therapy

B. safety of massage therapy

C. cautions that the therapists need to follow

D. the training processes of a qualified therapists


答案解析:段落主旨题;第四段主要围绕的问题是在进行按摩疗法的时候可能会遇到的一些问题,比如“serious injuries have been reported”、“Health care providers recommend that patients not have massage therapy before they consult their doctors”,结合4个选项,A选项所说的“按摩疗法的副作用和风险”是对这一段落最好的概括,是我们需要的正确答案。

5). From the passage, we know that the study of massage ______.

A. have not got started yet

B. needs more research on therapy practice

C. cannot explain therapy practice at all

D. can provide full explanations for therapy practice


答案解析:细节题;结合前面4个题目对原文的分析,我们可以看到,这个题目很有可能对应着原文的最后一段,我们在最后一段中寻找关于对按摩疗法进行研究的相关信息。我们可以找到“There are many more aspects that are not yet known or well understood scientifically”这样的表达,也就是说尽管按摩疗法本身是很古老的,但是对它所进行的研究却是刚开始,还有很多不能解释的地方。所以比较4个选项,A、C和D选项的表述都过于绝对,不符合原文所表达的意思。B选项则符合原文的说法,是正确选项。


It's never too early or too late for a parent to become a teacher. In this age of teacher accountability, endless school testing, increased pressure and competition, and the proliferation of "educational" toys, too many people forget that success begins at home.

Freeman A. Hrabowski Ⅲ, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and co-author of Beating the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males and Overcoming the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Young Women, says that in the interviews he and his co-authors conducted, the overwhelming factor in their children's academic achievement was that parents inspired and envisioned their children's success. They thought and talked about what would be required to have a .successful child.

It just makes such a difference when there's someone in that house working to relate to that child and inspire that child," Hrabowski says. "These parents (of the high achievers discussed) are really inspirational in their commitment to their children."

Professor Barbara T. Bowman, one of the faculty founders of Chicago's Erikson Institute, an independent institution of higher education that prepares child development professionals for leader- ship, says that Black children must learn in two different cultures-the African-American culture in which they live and the mainstream culture on which school and education are based.

Bowman also says the relationship between children and their parents is critical. "It is the early responsiveness of the caregiver to the infant's behavior that creates a sense of well-being and optimism that affects the child's interest in learning," says Bowman, who served as president of the institute from 1994 to last year. "Children who like and want to please the adult learn better what the adult wants them to learn."

In this day of highly competitive testing and the stress of getting high SAT or ACT scores, it's important also to avoid pressuring or overexposing your child. Your son or daughter is probably already facing stress at school and on the playground. Your role is to help him or her relieve and manage that stress. Help them to understand that life does not end or begin with a test. And while academic success is important, it's also important to keep everything in perspective. Failure is a relative term in the grand scheme of things. If your child did poorly on a test, but answered a particularly tough question correctly, stress the positive. On the other hand, if schoolwork comes too easily to your child, find other ways to challenge him or her so they understand that life won't always be that way.

1). According to the author, the parents of high achievers are usually ______.

A. successful themselves

B. teachers

C. inspirational

D. working hard


答案解析:细节题;本题的关键定位词是the high achievers,在原文的第二段我们可以找到相关信息,而阅读原文相关内容,我们可以找到“These parents(of the high achievers discussed) are really inspirational”这样的描述,也就是说C选项是正确选项。误选B选项的考生可能是对文章第一句话的理解出现了偏差。其实,结合全文来看,文章是在讲述家庭教育对于孩子在学术上取得成功的重大作用,所以文章第一句话所说的teacher其实是在强调家庭教育的重要作用,并不是说真的需要父母去做老师才能培养出成功的孩子。而A选项和D选项则在原文中找不到相应的信息,属于比较容易排除的干扰选项。

2). It can be inferred from the passage that the African-American culture is ______.

A. an important part of the mainstream culture

B. the base of the mainstream culture

C. different in many ways from the mainstream culture

D. dependant on the mainstream culture


答案解析:细节题;题目中的关键定位词是African-American culture,借助这个关键词我们可以在原文的第三段找到相关的信息。原文对于非裔美国人的文化和美国社会的主流文化使用了“two different cultures”这样的表达来定位。所以结合4个选项,C选项的表述符合原文的意思。A、B和D三个选项都把两者看作一种依赖关系,误选的考生很有可能是对原文中“the mainstream culture on which school and education are based”这句话的理解不够准确。提醒这些考生在备考的过程中要注意多分析真题和模拟题中的长难句,提高自己理解的准确度。

3). Whether a child is interested in learning depends on ______.

A. the content the adult wants the children to learn

B. how pleased the parents are when the children are learning

C. the feedback the parents give to children at an early age

D. the physical health of the children


答案解析:细节题;题目中的关键定位词是interested in learning,在原文中我们可以定位到原文的第四段。通过对原文的相关信息“It is the early responsiveness of the caregiver to the infant's behavior that creates a sense of well-being and optimism that affects the child's interest in learning”的分析,我们知道我们需要的答案就是这个强调句中被强调的部分,也就是responsiveness这个核心词,即父母在孩子早期对于孩子的行为所给予的反馈。在4个选项中,C选项所表述的feedback和原文的信息是一致的,是我们需要的正确答案。A选项来自原文第四段的最后一句话,B选项和D选项是对原文中的“please”和“well-being”两个词的曲解。

4). The suggestion given in the last paragraph is ______.

A. to emphasize the importance of success for children

B. to avoid pressuring the children too much

C. to challenge the children as much as possible

D. to use the positive effect of pressure


答案解析:段落主旨题;题目明确指向最后一段,要求我们对最后一段给出的建议进行归纳。在段落的第一句话就出现了对于建议的归纳,“avoid pressuring or overexposing your child”就是这个段落围绕的中心。误选B选项的考生对于“while academic success is important,it's also important to…”这样的表达的误解,这样的让步从句要表达的重点内容在后面,而不是while所带的部分。C选项把原文的“if schoolwork comes too easily to your child, find other ways to challenge him or her”这样的意思扩大了范围,选项中“as much as possible”的表述是不准确的。D选项对于原文“stress the positive”所表达的“要强调积极的一面”这样的含义进行了曲解。

5). Which one of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. How to raise a high-achieving child

B. Successful students whose parents are teachers

C. Key factors for children's success

D. Motivation and challenge: what do children need most?


答案解析:标题题,主旨题的一种变形的呈现方式;结合我们对文章的理解和前面4个问题的解答,我们已经基本可以确定,这篇文章主要讨论的是家庭教育对于孩子成功的影响及其重要作用。比较阅读4个选项,我们可以看到,A选项和原文的主旨是最贴切的,也就是我们需要的最佳标题。B选项的错误和第一个题目中一样是对原文第一句话的误解,同时也偏离了文章中心。C选项过于宽泛,这篇文章只是集中关注在促进孩子成功的因素构成中,家庭教育的重要作用,而C选项的key factors这样的表达对于文章来说是一种“大帽子,小身子”的标题,需要排除。D选项和C选项对应属于对于“大身子”的文章主体给出的“小帽子”的标题,也是需要排除的。