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1. 正式文体常使用正式用语,非正式文体则常使用非正式用语,这两类不同的用语是在长期的使用过程中被约定俗成地固定下来的。比如以下非正式用语一栏中的词汇在考生大作文中普遍存在,可修改为右栏正式用语中的表达:

非正式用语 正式用语
crime offense
people individuals
cut down reduce
serious severe/grave
harm damage(or destroy/undermine/jeopardise)
job position

We should investigate the root cause of the problem.
We should look into the root cause of the problem.
Investigate源于拉丁语,属正式文体用语,而look into是古英语词汇成分,属非正式文体用语。 

2. 现代英语中的缩略词及缩约词多用于非正式文体,其相应的非缩略或非缩约形式则常出现在正式文体中。很多考生都忽略了这一区别,以下非正式用语栏中的表达都是从考生大作文中选出的,可修改为右栏正式用语中的表达。

缩略词 正式用语 缩约词 正式用语
ad advertisement shouldn’t should not
phone telephone won’t will not
TV television there’s there is
e.g。 for example don’t do not
paper newspaper I’ve I have
PC personal computer they’re they are

Informl:  People can’t put up with the alienation brought by the Internet.3. 很多考生使用了很多短语动词,而这正是非正式文体的一大特征,正式文体则常用与之同义的单个动词。试比较: 

Formal: Individuals cannot tolerate the alienation brought by the Internet.

Informal: In this day and age, many people can make use of the Internet via computers or mobile phones.

Formal: In this day and age, many individuals can utilise the Internet via computers or mobile phones.


1. 在构成比较句型时,很多考生选择使用了人称代词的宾格形式,其实使用人称代词的主格形式要显得更正式些。

Informal: He spent more time playing computer games than me.

Formal: He spent more time playing computer games than I.

2. 在表达“让步”概念时,很多考生选择使用的but, anyway, all the same, though, although等为非正式文体常用词语表达。正式文体则常使用yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of (despite), notwithstanding等词语, 

Informal: He tried to overcome his addiction to the Internet, but he failed.

Formal: He endeavoured to overcome his addiction to the Internet; however, it turned out to be a failure.

3. 在构成“方式状语”时,很多考生偏爱使用副词,而这正是非正式文体常用的表达方式,正式文体则常用介词和与该副词同根的词构成的介词短语: 

Informal: It’s very important to….

Formal: It is of great importance to….

4. 在表达“原因”、“后果”等概念时,很多考生由于水平所限,总是使用非正式文体常用的so, because或其他形式的表示原因的从句,正式文体则常用 on account of, accordingly, thus, hence, consequently, owing to (the fact that…)等词或词组,且比较经常地运用分词短语、独立主格结构等。 

Informal: Since computers had proliferated, many people become addicted to the Internet.

Formal: Computers having proliferated, many people become addicted to the Internet.

5. 在构成表示“目的”的状语时,很多考生使用具有非正式文体色彩的so as to;其实,用in order that引导的目的状语从句常出现于正式文体中: 

Informal: We should do more outdoor activities so as to enrich our life.

Formal: We should do more outdoor activities in order that our life gets enriched.

6. 很多考生不会使用由引导词it引导的句子(如it is said that…),实际上,这一结构多见于正式文体,不用这一结构而表达同一意义的句子多见于非正式文体: 

Informal: The number of students in the classroom has been going down.

Formal: It has been noted with concern that the number of students attending class has been declining alarmingly.

7. 很多考生省略关系代词、连词、介词,这些情况多见于非正式文体。 

Informal: He flunked many courses. He had been expelled from the college.

Formal: He flunked so many courses that he had been expelled from the college.

Informal: He dealt with the problem the way his classmates does.

Formal: He dealt with the problem in the way his classmates does.

Informal: We should prevent it going from bad to worse.

Formal: We should prevent it from going from bad to worse.

8. 在表达“请求某人做某事时”,很多考生选择使用具有非正式文体色彩的主动语态句式,而没有使用具有正式文体色彩的被动语态句式。 

Informal: Please communicate more with your friends and family.

Formal: More communication with your friends and family is needed.

9. 很多考生未能正确使用某些不定代词、动名词的复合结构,不太注意句子的主谓一致,未能体现文章的正式文体风。

Informal: Everybody should look after themselves.

Formal: Everybody should look after himself.

Informal: Everyone should do their best.

Formal: Everyone should do his best.

Informal: I’m not surprised at him failing the course.Formal: I am not surprised at his failing the course.
