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  1. to a large extent 在很大程度上

  [大纲词汇] extent n.广度,宽度,长度;程度,限度

  [经典例句] His attitude will influence the result to a large extent.
  2. inherent 天生的

  [大纲词汇] inherent a.固有的,内在的,天生的 inherit v.继承

  [经典例句] Parents should be waken to the inherent nature of their children.
  3. bring about 造成

  [大纲词汇] bring about 带来,造成

  [经典例句] The new policy brought about many improvements in the employment of women.
  4. offspring 后代

  [大纲词汇] offspring n.子孙,后代;结果,产物
  5. profound 深刻的

  [大纲词汇] profound a.深刻的,意义深远的;渊博的,造诣深的

  [经典例句] The city has undergone a profound change in the past few years.
  6. soak up 吸收

  [大纲词汇] soak v.浸泡,浸湿,浸透

  [经典例句] The earth soaks up rainwater.
  7. sport achievements 夸耀成就

  [大纲词汇] sport n.运动;pl.运动会 sportsman n.运动员

  [扩充词义] sport v.炫耀,夸示

  [经典例句] The young man sported a roll of money his father gave him to his friends.
  8. compete against 和…竞争

  [大纲词汇] compete v.比赛;竞争 competent a.有能力的,胜任的 competitin n.比赛;竞争 competitive a.竞争的,比赛的 competitor n.竞争者,对手

  [经典例句] He competed with other fellow colleagues for the position.
  9. keen 热衷于

  [大纲词汇] keen a.锋利的;敏锐的;敏捷的;(on)热心的,渴望的

  [经典例句] He is very keen to visit China.
  10. consequece 后果

  [大纲词汇] consequence n.结果,后果,影响;重要性 in consequence因此,结果 in consequence of 由于…的缘故 consequently ad.因而,所以

  [经典例句] Your mistake will surely bring about unfavorable consequence.
  11. marathon 马拉松长跑
  12. rejoice 高兴

  [大纲词汇] rejoice v.(使)欣喜,(使)高兴

  [经典例句] He rejoiced at his friend's good fortune.
  13. conquer 战胜

  [大纲词汇] conquer v.征服,战胜,占领;克服,破除(坏习惯)conquest n.征服

  [经典例句] Napoleon conquered a number of European countries in a few years.
  14. by far …最…
  [大纲词汇] by far…得多,最

  [经典例句] His explanation is clear by far.
  15. disproportionate 不成比例的

  [大纲词汇] proportion n.比例;部分,份儿;均衡,相称 in proportion 与…成比例的

  [衍生词汇] proportionate a.成比例的;均衡的,相称的 disproportionate a.不成比例的,不相称的

  [经典例句] A disproportionate number of fatal accidents take place at night.
  16. emphasis on 强调

  [大纲词汇] emphasis n.强调,重点 emphasize v.强调

  [经典例句] The teacher lay emphasis on the importance of the assignment.
  17. concentrate on 专注于

  [大纲词汇] concentrate v.(on)集中,专心;浓缩;n.浓缩物 concentration n.集中;专心,专注

  [经典例句] He concentrates solely on law studies.
  18. merit 优点

  [大纲词汇] merit n.优点,价值,功绩;v.值得,应得

  [经典例句] The new method has few merits.
  19. questionable 可疑的

  [大纲词汇] question n.问题,议题;发问,询问 v.询问,审问;怀疑,对…表示疑问 in question 正在考虑 questionable a.可疑的,不可靠的

  [经典例句] The accuracy of the news is questionable.
  20. in the knowledge of 在了解…的情况下

  [大纲词汇] know v.知道,了解;认识,熟悉;精通 know as 被认为是

  knowledge n.知识,学问;知道,了解

  [经典例句] He felt safe in the knowledge of his enemy's death.
  21. change into 变为

  [大纲词汇] change n.变换,调换,交换,互换;改变,变化 v.改变,变化;零钱,找头

  [经典例句] Water change into ice at zero degree.
  22. fit …to 与……相称

  [大纲词汇] fit v.使适合,使配合,适应;安装,装配 a. (for,to)适合的,恰当的;健康的,强健的 fitting a.适当的,恰当的;n. [pl.]配件,附件;装配,安装

  [经典例句] One should fit his action to the world.
  23. personality 性格

  [大纲词汇] person n.人;本人,自身 in person 亲自 personal a.个人的,私人的;亲自的,本人的;身体的,人身的 personality n.人格,个性

  [经典例句] Environment shapes personality.
  24. preoccupation 主要关心的事

  [大纲词汇] occupy v.占,占用;占据,占领;使忙碌,使从事

  [衍生词汇] occupation n.从事;工作 preoccupy v.使全神贯注,使入神;抢先占有

  preoccupation n.抢先占有;全神贯注;使人全神贯注的事

  [经典例句] Environmental protection is clearly their main preoccupation.
  25. academic 学术的

  [大纲词汇] academic a.学院的,学术的 academy n.学院,研究会,学术团体

  [经典例句] The professor puts greater emphasis on academic studies.
  26. lessen 减轻

  [大纲词汇] lessen v.减少,减轻

  [词汇比较] lesson n.功课;教训

  [经典例句] The latest news lessened their worries.
  27. caring profession 照顾他人的职业
  28. consideration 考虑

  [大纲词汇] consider v.认为,把…看作;考虑,细想;体谅,照顾 considerable a.相当大(或多)的,可观的,值得考虑的 considerate a.考虑周到的,体谅的

  consideration n.需要考虑的事,理由;考虑,思考;体谅,照顾

  [经典例句] The matter is receiving the serious consideration of the board.
  29. sensitivity 敏感

  [大纲词汇] sensitive a. (to)sensitivity n.

  [经典例句] The machine must be used with care considering its sensitivity.
  30. sympathy 同情心

  [大纲词汇] sympathy n.同情,同情心,赞同 sympathetic a.同情的,共鸣的sympathize v.(with)同情,怜悯;共鸣,同感

  [经典例句] Those people need our help and sympathy.
  31. exclusively 仅仅

  [大纲词汇] exclusive a.专有的,独占的;除外的,排他的 exclusively ad.仅仅;专门地,排他地

  [经典例句] The article was written exclusively for Newsweek.
  32. stock 某一类的人

  [大纲词汇] stock n.备料,库存,现货;股票,公债,存储 in stock现有,备有

  [扩充词义] stock n.祖先,世系,家族,类

  [经典例句] He descended from Jewish stock.
  33. aggressive 有进取心的

  [大纲词汇] aggressive a.

  [衍生词汇] aggression n.

  [经典例句] The councilor appealed to the city to take aggressive action.
  34. be opposed to 反对

  [大纲词汇] oppose v.反对,反抗

  [衍生词汇] opposed a.反对的,对抗的 be opposed to 反对 opposition n.反对,反抗;抵抗,对立

  [经典例句] We are firmly opposed to power politics.
  35. draw conclusion 下结论

  [大纲词汇] conclude v.结束,终止;断定,下结论;缔结,协议 conclusion n.结束,终结;结论,推论 in conclusion 最后,总之

  [经典例句] He drew a conclusion without discussing the matter with others.
  36. at birth 生下来时

  [大纲词汇] birth n.出生,分娩;出身,血统

  [经典例句] The child weighed 7 pounds at birth.
  37. due to 由于

  [大纲词汇] due a. (to)应支付的;(车,船等)应到达的;应有的 due to 由于,因为

  [经典例句] The ship was late due to the heavy storm.