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Belgians get closer to Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

(BEIJING, June 5) -- In Wednesday's competition at the Poland GE Money Bank Mazury Open, the Belgian duo of Liesbet Van Breedam and Liesbeth Mouha defeated their Mexican and German rivals and moved into the 24th spot for consideration for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Scoring 22-20, 14-21 and 15-13 in 46 minutes over Mayra Garcia and Bibiana Candelas of Mexico, and then beating Sara Goller and Laura Ludwig of Germany 27-25 and 21-14 in 47 minutes, Van Breedam and Mouha managed to secure 240 points for the week and ninth place in the tournament.

Van Breedam and Mouha will challenge sixth-seeded Tyra Turner and Rachel Wacholder of the United States in round three of the winner's bracket. The Belgian pair can advance into the 23rd spot if they overtake the Finnish twin pair Emilia and Ericka Nystrom this week.