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【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Don't Be Nervous!
今天来看看@和平幻想家skyeung 提的话题:我下星期带女朋友回家吃饭! 你第一次见ta的家长的时候是什么情形呢?
OMG美语2015-11-22【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Stay Calm!
好多人都问面试的问题,看来大家找工作都很辛苦呢!今天来看看@烤鱼烤鸭烤地瓜 提的话题:面试的时候应该注意什么?
OMG美语2015-11-22【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Get Your Opinion On This! 说说你的看法!
有没有最近刚刚开始新工作的粉丝呀?今天我来看看@Brulee菇凉 提的话题:进入新单位怎么面对同事和领导。
OMG美语2015-11-16【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Temperature Dropped! 降温!
你穿秋裤了吗?你知道秋裤用英语怎么说吗?今天来看看@TING-HYF 提的话题:天冷了注意事项!
OMG美语2015-11-15【OMG美语】OMG美语 - I'd Like To Return This! 如何用英语表达退货?
你昨天剁手了吗?今天后悔了吗?今天我们一起来看看@大G_SWAG 提的话题:怎样退货 How to return what you have bought.Do you always return things you buy on Taobao? What do you say to t
OMG美语2015-11-15【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Hard To Commit! 难以坚持!
今天我们一起来看看@小猪QinJH 提的话题:just talk about fitness!你去健身房吗?有没有白交了好几个月健身房费却没有去的经历?懒癌怎么破?Do you think it's hard to commit to a regula
OMG美语2015-11-14【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Pixie Cut! 理发!
今天我们一起来看看@qinghuasimeng 提的话题:理发! 之前发过的百变白洁发型,你最喜欢哪一个发型呢?Do you wanna get a pixie cut? Or do you think it would be too short?How about keepi
OMG美语2015-11-14【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Be A Good Listener!
见到老外不知道说什么?别担心!今天我们一起来看看@童老夫子是也 提的话题:跟外国人聊天聊什么比较好?How would you start a conversation with a foreign friend?
OMG美语2015-11-13【OMG美语】OMG美语 - New Single Dropped!
Adele's new single dropped and it is amazing! Have you heard it!? Adele出新歌了,特好听!你听了吗?今天我们来看看@夏恒xia 提的话题:唱歌Which song do you play on loop?I played he
OMG美语2015-11-13【OMG美语】OMG美语 - I Adore Her!
你最崇拜的人是谁呢?今天我们一起来看看@我是冰卿啊 提的话题:怎么表达对一个人的崇拜?Who do you adore? Who's ground you worship?Are you a Swiftie? 你是霉粉吗?
OMG美语2015-11-12【OMG美语】OMG美语 - How Do You Want Your Eggs! 你的鸡蛋想怎么煎?
昨天看完了牛排,今天再来看看鸡蛋!@火萤26 提的话题是:“How Do You Want Your Eggs?”, I found it really hard to understand terms like "over medium", "over easy"
OMG美语2015-11-12【OMG美语】OMG美语 - How Would You Like Your Steak Cooked!
牛排好吃,但是点的时候是不是会常常犯懵呢?今天我们来看看@小豆丁的大豆丁_57395 提的话题:吃牛排的常用语!
OMG美语2015-11-11【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Pumpkins!
万圣节你都做了什么呢?中国有没有看到很多南瓜?今天我们来看看@煤油和喵 提的话题:why do Americans use pumpkins to decorate their house?
OMG美语2015-11-10【OMG美语】OMG美语 - You Are Stinky!
我爱洗澡皮肤好好,嗷嗷嗷嗷!今天我们来看看@夏恒xia 提的话题:洗澡!如果学了十几年英语的你还是不知道浴花和浴液怎么说,真的要看看这期节目了!
OMG美语2015-11-10【OMG美语】OMG美语 - What's up man? Nothing much!
Hey! What's up man? Nothing much! I'm just watching a show online. I need to start my homework soon.嘿,干嘛呢兄弟?没什么,正在网上看个节目。我得赶快开始写作业啦。Hey! What's
OMG美语2015-11-09【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Go Trick Or Treating!
今天接着谈@小袋鼠英文 提的话题:万圣节!万圣节除了化装之外,还有一个很重要的就是trick or treating!
OMG美语2015-11-09【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Halloween!
万圣节就要来啦!你想好要扮什么了吗?今天我们来看看@郭叫兽_ 提的话题:HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG美语2015-11-08【OMG美语】OMG美语 - How to ask your friends to watch a movie?
最近有什么好电影呢?今天我们来看看:How to ask your friends to watch a movie?Do you like to go to the premiers?Have you seen the movie trailer for the new Steve Jobs movie!?
OMG美语2015-11-08【OMG美语】OMG美语 - I'm Just Looking!
今天我们来看看@Suzy_ma 提的话题:商店店员问Can l help? 怎么回答?How do you usually respond to the shopping assistants?
OMG美语2015-11-07【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Took Me By Surprise!
你的大学生活是丰富多彩还是非常无聊呢?今天我们来看看@赫兹万千的peach 提的话题:感觉大学生活无聊怎么应对?Took me by surprise 让我惊讶You know what really took me by surprise durin
OMG美语2015-11-07【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Didn't Turn Out!
你喜欢摄影吗?今天我们来看看@ImSoClaudia 提的话题:摄影!What do you do when one of your pictures turns out to be a little fuzzy?
OMG美语2015-11-06【OMG美语】OMG美语 - You Are Truly Awesome!
今天我们来看看@monochromekid 提的话题:what kind of words can I use to express happy birthday to my grandpa on his 80th birthday party?What would you say to your grandpa or grandm
OMG美语2015-11-06【OMG美语】OMG美语 - The first job and interview!
今天我们来看看@harry19930410 提的话题:The first job and interview! 你的第一份工作是什么呢?I start my first job tomorrow and I am so nervous. I don't wanna mess up.我明天就要开始
OMG美语2015-11-05【OMG美语】OMG美语 - I Didn't Mean To!
今天我们来看看@郑瑾昊:When we made mistakes, except 'sorry' 'my bad'. What other words can we say?How would you apologize to a friend?I heard you were mad at me for eating al
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - All That And A Bag Of Chips!
今天我们来看看@blingbling_C 提的话题:如何拒绝一个喜欢自己的男生! 白洁会教你们一个短语:all that and a bag of chips! 猜猜是什么意思吧!What would you say to a guy who thinks he is
栏目广告位二 |