栏目广告位一 |
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Leaves Changing Color!
OMG美语2015-11-04【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Extremely Congested Traffic!
你住的地方堵车严重吗?一起来看看@小小的菇凉有大大的能量 提的话题:交通堵塞Do you deal with extremely congested traffic?Do you think your city has the worst traffic? Who do you thi
OMG美语2015-11-03【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Mr. Right!
今天我们来看看@永不败落的泪 提的话题:该怎样追求一个优秀的男孩呢?你心中有没有Mr. Right呢?
OMG美语2015-11-03【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Had A Crazy Dream!
今天我们一起来看看@薛士比亚 提的话题:dreams!你做过的最疯狂的梦是什么样的呢?I had a crazy dream last night. I was living on the 100th floor of a building in Hangzhou. I looked o
OMG美语2015-11-02【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Vacay Withdrawal!
假期结束之后刚刚开始上班上学真的好痛苦来看看@阜阳拉面馆 提的话题:假期后的星期一综合症!你有Vacay withdrawal吗?都有什么表现呢?
OMG美语2015-11-02【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Totally Slipped My Mind!
长假的最后一天了!是不是突然想起了好多忘掉的作业?今天我们一起来看看@刘飞飞fly 提的话题:memory & forgetting things!Do you ever totally forgot things you were thinking about?你有
OMG美语2015-11-01【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Congratulations To Both Of You!
国庆长假也是结婚的黄金期呀!看着同学们陆陆续续结婚是什么感受?就像当年看着他们一个个提前交卷的噩梦重现在眼前!你们真的不再检查一下吗? 今天我们一起来看看@一匹来自盆地的狼 提的话题
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Foodie!
国庆假期过去一半了,你胖了几斤啦?今天我们一起来看看@dead-set 提的话题:吃货!Are you a foodie?Do you know a lot about food? Do you act a little snobby when you talk about food?
OMG美语2015-10-31 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Inexperienced!
大学毕业了就能有工作吗?研究生毕业了就能有工作吗?今天我们一起来看看@_WUHENG 提的话题:毕业生没经验工作难找How did you acquire some good career skills when you were an inexperienc
OMG美语2015-10-31 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - OMG!Got It!
今天我们来看看@__Cwc 提的话题:Got it有几种意思!没看节目之前,你能说出几种呢?Can you think of any other meanings or uses for the phrase "got it"?
OMG美语2015-10-30 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Volunteer!
你做过志愿者吗?今天我们来看看@小童君爱生活 提的话题:Volunteering ~ NGODo you volunteer? What do you volunteer to make an impact?
OMG美语2015-10-30 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Taylor Swift's Concert!
霉霉的粉丝们!专题节目又来了!今天我们来看看@阿成5371 提的话题:泰勒斯威夫特的演唱会!Were you cracked up by Smelly Cat?What impressed you the most in Taylor Swift's concert?
OMG美语2015-10-29 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Hey There!
有时候会突然发现自己最基础的表达也会有问题呢!今天我们来看看@郑瑾昊 提的话题:怎么用英文说hello, I'm sorry, goodbye... things like that!How do you use these words in different wa
OMG美语2015-10-29 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - In The Mood For Something!
今天我们来看看@_Quasimodo_ 提的话题:餐厅点餐!你今天想吃什么呢?Are you in the mood for pizza today? I'm always in the mood for pizza!
OMG美语2015-10-28 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - College Football!
全美第一大联盟NFL开赛了!今天我们来看看@Nick__Young 提的话题:球迷看球! 还有,白洁有最喜欢的球队么? 白洁是俄亥俄人,你猜猜白洁最喜欢的球队来自哪里呢Do you watch NFL? What do you li
OMG美语2015-10-28 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Mascara!
今天我们来看看@志纯见到志纯了 提的话题:各种化妆品怎么说 怎么买!你知道白洁最喜欢的化妆品是什么吗?看了视频就知道啦!What's your favorite mascara? Does it elongate and voluminize
OMG美语2015-10-27 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Extremely Reduced Prices
换季了!还不快买买买!今天我们来看看@弯弯树胶皮 提的话题:reduced prices!Do you like to bargain hunt? Are you a bargain hunter?I love to shop sale! How about you? Let's go toget
OMG美语2015-10-27 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Wing It!
连不上网了!忘带U盘了!投影仪坏了!压根没准备!要做Presentation时候遇到这些状况怎么办?Just wing it!今天我们来看看怎么用美语说临场发挥!Have you ever tired to wing it during a pr
OMG美语2015-10-26 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Unexpected!
绳命中总是充满了意外和惊喜!怎么用美语聊意外和惊喜呢?Have you had a pleasant surprise recently?Do you wish there would be job opportunities coming out of nowhere?
OMG美语2015-10-26 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Have A Bone To Pick With Someone!
怎么用美语聊对别人有意见?还是希望你不需要用到这些吧!What would you say when you have a bone to pick with someone?make a mountain out of a mole hill就是小题大做的意思,你觉得哪个
OMG美语2015-10-25 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Leave Someone In The Dark!
我有一个小秘密!就不告诉你!就不告诉你!就不~~告诉你!怎么用美语聊保密!Do you keep the details of your personal life are on a need-to-know basis, or do you like sharing them?Deta
OMG美语2015-10-25 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Time Is Standing Still!
OMG美语2015-10-24 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Have Sometime To Myself!
OMG美语2015-10-24 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Bon Voyage!
你有朋友出国读书吗?今天我们一起来看看@炫炫and萱萱 提的话题:朋友出国读书送上怎样的祝福好呢?
OMG美语2015-10-23 -
【OMG美语】OMG美语 - Grab A Bite Sometime!
今天我们一起来看看@SwiftieJessica 提的话题:怎样委婉约人???How would you ask a someone out for a date or just to go out with you to have some fun?I have an extra ticket to the
栏目广告位二 |