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52. Bus 公共汽车(上)

1.Excuse me,can I get to the new bookstore on this bus?  打扰了,这辆巴士去新书店吗?

2.Is this the right bus for the new bookstore?  这是去新书店的公车吗?

3.Is the bus going to the new bookstore?  这是去新书店的巴士吗?

4.Dose this bus stop at the new bookstore?  这个公车站在新书店那里吗?

5.How much is it to that stop?  去那个站要多少钱?

6.What's the fare?  票价怎么样?

7.Can you tell me how much it'll cost?  你可以告诉我它多少钱吗?

8.Could you please tell me when I should get off?  我该下车的时候,你能通知我一声吗?

9.Will you please tell me when we arrive there?  我们到那里的时候,你能告诉我吗?

10.I'm sorry I don't know when to get off.Will you please tell me when it is my stop?