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Mr. Borton: Still don't understand this detention thing.
Troy: It was my fault. Sorry, Dad.
Mr. Borton: Cross court. Darbus will take any opportunity to bust my chops. That includes yours too.
Troy: Hey, Dad? Did you ever want to try something new, but were afraid of what your friends think?
Mr. Borton: Like, going left? You're doing fine.
Troy: Well... no. I mean, what if you wanna try something really new and it's a total disaster and all your friends laugh at you.
Mr. Borton: Maybe they're not your friends. That was my whole point about team today. You gotta look out for each other. You're the leader. There's gonna be college scouts at our game next week. Know what a scholarship is worth these days?
Troy: A lot.
Mr. Borton: Yeah. Focus. Troy, come on. Whoo.