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find the ATM

A: Where can I find the ATM?

A: 我在哪里能找到自动取款机?

B: Turn left when you get out of the building, go along the street and turn right at the first crossing. Then you'll see the ATM on the north side of the road.

B: 出了这幢楼左转,沿着街走到第一个十字路口后右转。然后你就能在路的北侧看到自动取款机了。

line for ATM

A: There are so many people lining for the ATM.

A: 排队等候使用自动取款机的人好多啊。

B: You wait here. I'll go around to see if there's another ATM on this street.

B: 你在这儿等着,我去周围看看这条街上还有没有其他取款机。

insert one's card into the ATM

A: How do I use the ATM?

A: 我该怎么用自动取款机?

B: Insert your card into the ATM and follow the instructions on the screen step by step.

B: 插入你的银行卡,然后一步步跟着屏幕上的提示做。