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Carl (talks to himself): Hey, Carl. Do you wanna give all your money away to a homeless guy? Yes, yes, I do. How about letting him burn out your phone battery so you can't call AAA when you run out of gas? You know what? That sounds like a fucking great idea!!! Why don't you take a late-night stroll through the hills and get killed by the Manson family? Don't mind if I do. Come on, man. Yes. Since that's my only fucking option. Would you like to carry a 20-pound container of gas up a giant hill to your car? Oh, could I? Could I really?
Allison: (takes a picture of Carl) That's a good look.
Carl: Oh. Hi. Did you just take my picture?
Allison: Maybe. Did you just run out of gas?
Carl: Maybe.
Allison: That sucks. That happened to me last week.
Carl: When you were driving ridiculously far out of your way to drop off a homeless guy who wore out your phone battery so you couldn't call AAA?
Allison: Er...No. I take it that's what happened to you.
Carl: No. Why would you assume that?
Allison: He used up your phone?
Carl: Yeah. Apparently he was the most popular homeless man on the planet. He was staying connected. It was good to see. I'm just glad that I could be a part of it, really.
Allison: That must feel good.
Carl: Oh, truly, truly. Yeah. And I'm getting some exercise, which is cool.
Allison: Well, do you need a ride?
Carl: On that thing?
Allison: Am I going too fast for you?
Carl: No. In fact, I think you should go faster. That way if we crash, at least I'll die. I just don't wanna be kept alive artificially. What are you doing?
Allison: I'm taking a picture. Smile.
Carl: I can't see. I'm blind.
Allison: Me too. Isn't it great? Whoo!
Carl: Yeah, that's getting it good. Yep. Well, thanks again for the ride.
Allison: No problem. Hopefully the color will return to your face sometime soon.
Carl: I'm more of a four-wheel kind of guy.
Allison: Really? I never would've guessed that. You seemed so at ease on two. Can I have my helmet back now?
Carl: I'm still wearing it, aren't I?
Allison: Yeah.
Carl: Thanks.
Allison: So you okay?
Carl: Yeah, I'm good, unless you wanna stick around and make out.
Allison: What?
Carl: What did you say? Hey, I-- (Allison kisses Carl)
Allison: Have a good night.
Carl: Yes.