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Friend 1: I hope you can appreciate the positions Amie and I are in. We're not taking sides.

Liv: Relax. We're not making any plans until we figure this out.

Friend 1: Wow, you're so cool about it.

Friend 2: Yeah.

Liv: How else am I gonna be?

Friend 2: I mean - Without taking sides though, I have to say...Emma's save-the-date e-mail was a smidge tacky. I mean, "june 6 at the Plaza," smiley face? What's next, hearts over her i's? Come on, really - What was she thinking?

Emma: Oh, hey.

Liv: I know, right?

Friend 2: That was so tacky.

Liv: It's shocking.

Heidi: Hi.

Emma: Hi, Heidi. Oh, Elizabeth, I love my ring.

Elizabeth: Oh, my gosh.

Liv: Emma? You sent out your save-the-dates?

Emma: Yeah, I did, actually. Surprised?

Liv: So one of us...is not moving her date?

Emma: Well, you amaze me, Liv. You really do. You-You never ask me what I want. You just figure you know best, end of story. "Emma, wear this. Emma, say that." Well, Emma's prettyfrickin' tired of it. Don't think I didn't notice how totally freaked out you were because I had the nerve to get engaged before you did.

Liv: Okay, wait. First of all, Daniel bought that ring in December. Okay? So officially, I was first.

Emma: Oh, pathetic. Pathetic!

Liv: Second, people always make you do things you don't wanna do. Emma, it's like you don't have a spine. Oh, wait. That's right. You don't have a spine.

Emma: Well, no one could accuse you of being soft, Liv. You grabbed the first date in June Marion offered without even asking me first.

Liv: At least I'm not so terrified of being alone...that I people-please my way through life. Emma, you settle.

Emma: Are you saying that I'm settling with Fletcher?

Liv: I wasn't thinking about Fletcher. You came up with that one on your own.

Emma: Move your date, Liv.

Liv: You move your date, Emma.

Emma: It's done. You lose.

Liv: Your wedding better watch it.

Emma: What did you just say?

Liv: I said your wedding should be very scared right now. If I were your wedding, I'd sleep with one eye open.

Emma: Why don't you just save your threats for Daniel? After all, isn't that how you got a proposal out of him?

Friend 3: That's how I did it.

Liv: Your wedding can suck it.

Emma: What did you just say? My wedding can suck it?

Liv: I said your wedding can suck it.

Emma: Your wedding can s-be-I mean, yours can be, um-Can-Can be, uh-not that-

Liv: Please. Bye, ladies.

Emma: Hey, Liv.

Liv: Yes.

Emma: Your wedding will be huge. Just like your ass at prom.

Liv: We're done.