a rabbit in the headlights
解释:to describe someone who is so nervous that they can't move or speak (不知所措,呆若木鸡;兔子天生胆小,可以想象它在聚光灯下瑟瑟发抖的样子。)
例句:Each time they asked him a question, he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.
pull a rabbit out of a hat
解释:to surprise people by suddenly doing something that's quite difficult and unexpected (惊人之举,绝招;见过魔术师从帽子里突然变出一只活蹦乱跳的兔子吧,是不是让人大吃一惊呢。)
例句:The governor pulled a rabbit out of a hat by putting together a budget without increasing taxes.
to rabbit on
解释:to speak endlessly (喋喋不休;印象中兔八哥不是在啃胡萝卜,就是在饶舌,嘴就没停过。)
例句:No matter what people's reaction is, she just rabbits on.
a happy bunny
解释:to describe a happy, positive person (快乐的,积极向上的人;小兔子总是蹦蹦跳跳的,好像没有烦恼似的。)
例句:I'm always smiling whatever happens. I guess I'm just a happy bunny.
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