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LH: 真够悬的!双方一直是0比0,我还以为美国队要被淘汰了呢!谁知美国队居然在最后三分种里进了个球,这下就挺进16强啦!

L: I know! That was so amazing! If I watch a few more games like that, I'm going to have a heart attack!

LH: 心脏病?不至于吧!不过,这场比赛最后几分钟确实挺刺激的。

L: You're right. That game really came down to the wire.

LH: Down to the wire? 这是什么意思?

L: When something comes down to the wire, that means there isn't much time left.

LH: 哦,down to the wire就是指到了最后关头。你是说这场比赛在快结束的时候居然难分胜负。

L: Right. Here's another example. My big report for work is due tomorrow and I still have a lot of work to do, so it's really coming down to the wire today.

LH: 你是说,明天有报告要交,可你还没怎么写呢,所以今天是你完成报告的最后关头了!哎?既然要写报告,干嘛还看世界杯?

L: I'll just say that I know what's important in life. Say, how is your summer job search going?

LH: 还在找呢。我已经快没钱了,如果再找不到工作,我连房租也交不出来了。

L: Gosh, it sounds like it's really coming down to the wire. Have you had any success?

LH: 倒是有一份工作,我已经进入最后一轮面试了,公司说今天下午打电话通知我结果。

L: Wow, it sounds like it's coming down to the wire. You must really be on the edge of your seat.

LH: 是啊,已经快5点了,还没来电话,我都要急死了!