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Larry: I won't eat fast food anymore. 我不会再吃快餐了。

Mary: I don't believe it. You love fast food so much. 我不相信。你那么爱吃快餐。

Larry: I used to eat a lot of fast food, but now I've turned over a new leaf. 以前我吃了很多快餐,但现在我已经_______。

Mary: What's the meaning of "turn over a new leaf"? "turn over a new leaf"是什么意思?

Larry: It means to make a change and start over. I'll eat only fresh and healthy foods. 它是指做出改变,重新开始。我只吃新鲜的健康食品了。

Mary: But you could murder fast food all the time, so I'm not sure if you can make it. 但是你从来都_______,所以我不确信你是否能做到。

Larry: No problem! When I make a decision, I stay with it! 没问题!一旦我做出决定,我就会坚持到底!

Mary: If so, let me enjoy the French fries alone. 如果是这样,那就让我独自享用薯片吧。

Larry: Wait a minute! Maybe I can just eat a little bit now to hold me over and take baby steps towards the goal. 等等!也许现在我可以吃一点点薯片垫垫底,_______靠近目标。

Mary: Easier said than done. I won't give you the French fries even if your face falls. ________。就算_______我也不会给你薯片的。

Larry: Marry, please! Give me some! 玛丽,求你了!给我吃点吧!

Mary: Nope! There are no French fries for you, and that's flat! 不行!不给你薯片,_______。