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购物英语口语样样通(MP3+中英字幕) Unit15:买鞋子(2)


Unit 15 Shopping for shoes(2)第15课 买鞋子(2)

The customer has found a pair of shoes she likes.顾客找到了一双她喜欢的鞋子。C: I'll try one of these on. ( The customer tries one of the shoes on. ) It's too big. It slides up and down my heel when I walk around.顾客:我要试穿其中的一只鞋看看。(顾客穿上了其中的一只鞋。)它太大了,当我走动时,它就在我脚跟上下滑动。S: Well, let's try a size six. (He gets another pair and the customer tries a shoe on) Looks like a perfect fit.店员:嗯,那就试穿6号鞋看看。(我拿另一双鞋,而顾客试穿上一只。)它看来非常合适。C: Not really. It pinches my toes.顾客:不全然是,我的脚趾太紧了。S: I'm sure they'll be fine once you break them in.店员:我相信一旦你穿习惯后就会很好。C: I don't know... well, I-guess I'll take them, since you don't seem to have anything better.顾客:我不知道……嗯,我想我会买这双,因为你们似乎没有更好的鞋。S: Thank you, ma'am. It's been a pleasure doing business with you.店员:谢谢你,小姐。和你做生意是我们的荣幸。