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购物英语口语样样通(MP3+中英字幕) Unit40:购买立体音响(2)

Unit 40 Buying a stereo system(2)第40课 购买立体音响(2)The clerk is showing the customer a stereo system.店员正在向顾客展示一组立体音响。S: It has a receiver, a CD player, a double cassette deck, and a turntable.店员:这儿有一个接收机,一个CD播放机,双卡式录音座,还有一个转盘。C: Okay, let me take a look.顾客:好的,让我看一看。S: The CD player is a three-disk player. Here, we'll put a disk in so you can check out the sound. ( He puts a CD into the CD player. )店员:这是三片式的CD播放机。您看,我们放人一张CD片,就可以听听它的音效。(他把一张CD片放久CD播放机中。)C: Sounds pretty good. I see the equalizer has a good selection of settings.顾客:听起来挺不错的。我知道均衡器有很多组功能选择。S: You can also play VCDs on it if you hook it up to your TV.店员:如果您把它连结到电视上,也可以播放VCD。C: Hmm. This system seems to have everything I'm looking for. It's a bit pricey, though. I'll have to think about it. Thanks for your help.顾客:嗯。这套音响似乎具备我寻找的每个条件,但这有点贵,我得考虑考虑。谢谢你的帮忙。S: No problem Hope to see you again soon.店员:不客气,希望很快能再见到您。