减肥运动相关口语表达 第5期:减重计划要执行到底
Unit 5 Stay with the program
第五节 减重计划要执行到底
For 17 years,researchers tracked the success of 1,640 overweight patients who attended a weight-loss program at the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen,Denmark.The program consisted of nutrition classes and weekly counseling sessions.
Some people lost a lot of weight,others a little.Some people kept the weight off, others didn’t. What accounted for their varying degrees of success? Not age nor sex nor the amount of weight they had to lose in the first place.
The main factor was how regularly they attended nutrition classes and counseling sessions. People who went every week lost weight every week一:and kept it off. Those who attended inconsistently lost weight inconsistently一and had trouble keeping it off. So if you sign up,show up.
1.consist of... 由....构/组成
2.account for...说明/解释....
3.have trouble十V-ing(做)....有困难
4.sign up 报名(=register)
5.show up 出席