减肥运动相关口语表达 第64期:细嚼慢咽
Unit 64:Chew thoroughly,eat slowly第64单元:细嚼慢咽Most of us eat way too quickly.大多数的人吃东西都吃得太快了。And that may be one reason why we eat too much-because our stomachs need time to realize they're full.那可能是我们吃得太多的原因之一,因为我们的胃是需要时间来了解自己是不是已经填满食物了。What's more,research shows that food eaten quickly may be more readily stored as fat.再者,研究报告显示,快速下咽的食物很可能比较容易囤积为脂肪。Chew your food slowly, as much as a dozen chews per mouthful.要慢慢地咀嚼你的食物。每一口食物要咀嚼十二次之多。Put your fork or spoon down bettween bites.Take a break halfway through the meal.每吃一口后就把叉子或汤匙放下。吃到一半时可以暂停一下。Punctuate your meal with pleasant conversation with a companion. Play with your food.也可以不时地和朋友愉快地交谈来中断一下你的进食,或者拨弄你的食物。Do whatever it takes to make your meal last.用各种办法来延长你用餐的时间。You' 11 eat less and enjoy it more.这样你会吃得少,却享受得多。