减肥运动相关口语表达 第69期:下不为例
Unit 69:Don't tell yourself "I'll never have such-and-such again !"第69单元:别对自己说:“下不为例!”Your weight一loss program may seem endless,but it really is temporary.你的减肥计划可能看似永无止境,但它其实是很短暂的。You can shed pounds,pat yourself on the back and get on with the challenge of maintaining your weight loss.你绝对可以甩掉多余的体重,也要鼓励自已继续接受减肥的挑战。Then you can start thinking about fromerly"Forbidden Foods"that you may want to reintroduce to your menu.然后你就可以开始开虑是不是要把以前的那些“禁果”再度列入你的菜单中。Consider carefully.But if you really love some special food,from a hot fudge sundae to Grandma's country fried chicken,仔细地考虑吧。但是你若真的很喜欢某些特别的食物.比如加了热溶巧克力的圣代或外婆做的乡村炸鸡.don't deprive yourself.You deserve a treat-occasionally.千万别慢待自己偶尔让自已大快朵颐一次是应该的。