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减肥运动相关口语表达 第96期:做记录


Unit 96:Keep a log第96单元:做记录A written record of your accomplishments is very satisfying and helps inspire you to keep at it.把自己所完成的事项记录下来会让你有成就感,并且会有助激励自己持续下去。"I put a red check on my calendar the first day I took an aerobics class,"says Sue Jenner,a Kansas City secretary.在堪萨斯城担任秘书的苏·珍娜小姐说:“我上有氧运动课的第一天就在日历上打了个红勾勾。"That was two years ago,and now I have two thick calendars covered with red checks."那是两年前的事了,现在我已经有了两大本画满红勾勾的日历。”She has also lost 20 pounds.So pull out a calendar and a red pen.她的体重已经减少了二十磅。所以,把日历和红笔拿出来开始做记录吧。Or use those gold stars your elementary school teachers put on your outstanding papers.你也可以画上金色的星号,那是小学老师在批改你写得很好的作业时所打的记号。Your accomplishment is outstanding,after all.毕竟你现在的成就也是很杰出的。A log can help you reach goals,too.作记录也可以帮你达到目标。In pencil on a calendar,write down your goals a week or two in advance.用铅笔事先在日历上写上这一两个礼拜要完成的目标比方说,For example,if you plan to take a walk on Monday,Wednesday and Friday,write"walk"on those days.如果你打算星期一、三、五去散步,就在那些日期上写下“散步”两个字。After each day's walk,circle the word in red and pat yourself on the back.You said you'd do it and you did!每次散完步后就用红笔把“散步”两个字圈起来,鼓励一下自己。因为你要做的事已经完成了!